May 19, 2008 21:41
Yeah like, wtf was up with that episode. Please stop be using crack while writing these.
No I take that back it wasn't that bad. It diiid have its good points. Sort of. Like the whole Serena-Dan minute blowup was okay. Not good, but it wasn't the boring snorefest as usual. It was okay. It was definitely something real, as opposed to the whole Serena's-life-becoming-perfect-again.
And Vanessa looked absolutely gorgeous in that dress, the color was just like BAM I BE PERFECT FOR YOU. I actually started liking Nate/Vanessa, but then they went and broke that up, 'cause she's still hung up on little angelboy. So I mean, perfect timing, thanks? Although I don't mind the two of them together; I mean, that's how they were supposed to be, in the books at least.
I'm happy though, that the show's deviated from the books this much. Before, poor Chuck was just a minor character, and I wouldn't have known the joys of gorgeous, gorgeous Ed Westwick <33
Um um wtffff. You give us this gorgeous, heartrending speech of finally, finally finding love and perservering, and all that romantic stuff that gets the cutest love confession out of Chuckles dear, and the cute little dance scene, and then bam, stupid Bart Bass has to go and ruin it all with the WELL YOU'LL NEVER BE ABLE TO GO OUT AND HAVE FUN ANYMORE, BUT GOOD FOR YOU!. Screw you old man, screw you.
My heart broke a little when he threw the flowers in the trash. But I guess, he's Chuck Bass. It was true to character, at least. Ugh.
BUT UM NATE AND CHUCK ARE BIFFLES AGAIN. HOW GREAT IS THAT. THAT'S KIND OF SUPERGREAT. I love them two, they just need to be best friends for ever and ever and ever. And like, have each others' backs, 'cause I'm thinking the whole Chuck cheating on Blair thing isn't going to go well with Serena/Blair/Nate.
Although Blair's guy was kinda cute. AND LIKE. I can't even hate the stupid guy, 'cause he's so pretty. Although Ed Westwick beats him by fiftybillion lightyears, he's still so pretty.
Ehh, whatever. I just can't wait for the summer season, it's going to be deliciouuuus.
gossip girl