Feb 24, 2008 19:40
What the hell, why did they take off all the episodes of QaF from youtube. NOT COOL. So now I'll either have to wait for years for badquality videos load and accidentally close the windows to make all the waiting in vain, or I can wait for... now until May, when I take my SATs.
My entire life is about the SATs now, I don't think my mom can talk about anything else, it's HORRIBLE. Like, I have to work my ass off to learn the "collegeboard way of doing things", when it's just a mediocre judgment of mediocre skills. And then the colleges value prospective students that way. Imagine that, "you haven't gotten above 2300 on your SATs, therefore, you're not good enough for us". Granted, I know that most colleges won't say that, they'll be like, "We regret to inform you that your talents are not suited for our university" blahblah, and what with the non-SAT accepting colleges, but godddd. They're just so frustrating, and I can't get the Queer as Folk DVDs until I've finished them. And it sucks 'cause I'm pretty sure that my mom will suddenly be like, "Oh but your Anthropology IB exam is at the end of May, wait until then!" and then "Oh but your finals are in June, wait until then!" and then "WHOOPS WE'RE GOING TO CHINA SRRY".
SO I'M DEBATING. Whether or not I should wait it out for the DVDs, or I should just watch them with crappy resolution and long waiting times and the such on the computer. I'm just scared that I won't care as much in May or June or whatever, and I'll end up being like, "mmmf I actually don't want the DVDs now". And that's just not right.
In other news, the "contemplative" kitty mood thing freaks me out.
queer as folk,
real life