(no subject)

Nov 20, 2004 14:48

hey everybody !....last night was totally awsome...me britt and chelsea went to the regis dance in nyc....we got there and met up with ryan eric and some other kids...everyone was so nice..we chilled outside a little bit but we totally dance a lot more this time .... the DJ was o k but not the best...we still had some great songs to dance to...then we went downstairs to the lttle cafeteria place and talked for a while....then this kid rob came up to us while we were sitting outside and invited us to a party after the dance at his house nearby...i wasnt really sure my mom would want us to so i kinda didnt really give and answer...apparently he was a friend of eric which is y he came and asked our names and stuff....after the dance was over we walked around a little and met up with my mommy and duke...it was such a great night except for the fact that meg and soy and kayla couldnt make it ! its never the same without u gurls ! ahhh....oh and did i mention we sat in hours of traffic cause of road work then got lost in the heart of downtown passaic?? yeah we did it was horrible !......but we made it safely home phew .....ill update so0n like maybe after my competion that on sunday 2morro !ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

~~KiT kAt~~
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