NaNoWriMo: Day Twenty-Nine, Year Two

Nov 29, 2007 23:49

Word Count: 38708 words

Brain Cells: *hiding*

Cheerleaders: What do you think, can I do it?

First of my two big push days and I got about 8000 words out. Word padding is my friend (not to mention a rich and honored NaNoWriMo tradition). I just have to write 11292 words by midnight tomorrow.


I would have gotten more written today if my computer didn't suddenly decide to start fritzing on me and running at about a fifth its normal speed. I had to take it into safe mode to scan it and clean it up. Argh.

It is working fine now and will see me through 50K tomorrow (I hope, I hope, I hope).

ETA - I did it again. This should have posted last night, but didn't. Sorry!


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