Mar 10, 2007 12:46
(Test is over...I'm sure you'll get over it)
Answers so your life feels complete:
1. I went to 7 schools until I graduated in 2000. Greer Elementary - K,3,4 Venable (may have spelled that wrong, I couldn't spell anything longer than 3 letters until junior high) - 1&3 weeks of 3rd, Greenbrier - 2nd, Nathaniel Greene - 5th, William Monroe Middle - 6,7,8 William Monroe High - 9, 10 Chatham Hall 11 & 12. I like the think this is why I like to travel.
2. Ok, question 2 was harder than I thought because while I pretended to be a horse (only in elementary school, I stopped when I turned that oh so mature age of 10) at school and stuff, I also sometimes pretended to be a cat at home, so I can't really count that against mumsie.
3. My first word was Cat...with a very silent t on the end. Mom's cat Sasha used to hop in my crib and one day I just pointed at her, announced to the world I discovered she was a cat, and was probably horribly pleased with myself.
4. So I was a kid of few words for a while. I picked up pronouns fairly quickly, but didn't have the whole sentence thing down for a while. Mom was zipping my jacket (I love how my father was never around for ANY of this) and I fussed, telling her firmly "I can do it!" and showing my independence and hardheadedness even at that tender age.
5. When we moved into our apartment near UVA, we found this cat dumpster diving by the Shoney's restaurant. Little One was special due to the fact she was probably a purebred Burman manx. That's right, no tail...hence the name Little One. We had her for about 16-17 years and we still have her son.
6.Bridgett, my wonderful wonderful Bridgett dog is a hound. Foxhound by breeding, but not AKC registrable, she is my favorite dog cause she's that smartest! I swear that dog understands English. Pooky is the accident between a jack russel and a pekingnese. Sophie is the shepherd mix and tries to herd cats. I have never owned and never want to own a lab. Nice dogs, just not for me.
7. My parents called me Kathy. I think I began hating that name by age 6...hence my identity crisis then. Upon further reflection, the nicknames given to me (Blondie, KC, Kittycat, Blue) were all much better than anything I came up with at age 6 (Cupcake, Roxie, Sparkles...and a handful of others).
8. My first name is Kathleen. I really hate it when people look at that and somehow think I'm still a Katherine/Catherine. The proper way to pronounce this, by the way, is to drop the h sound so it's almost like saying Katleen. The Japanese have found multiple ways to butcher my name.
9. My middle name is Mathieu. Yes, it is a French boys' name. Why did my parents give me a French boys' name instead of using Frances and thereby providing me with the initials KFC? Well, mum didn't change her name when she married dad, so she wanted to make sure proving I was her offspring would be easy (when I was a little tyke we crossed the border into Canada more than once) so she gave me her last name as a middle name...thus Mathieu. How many other girls do you know have a boys' middle name?
10. I was 5 when I got my first kiss. Unconsensual by the way, I don't even remember the boy's name. I just remember he was in my class and he had blond hair and dark eyebrows. I was held down by Maylene and supposed two best friends. Obviously they thought it in their best interest to have me take the plunge. I wonder what Freud would say about all of this...
There you have it...aren't you fascinated by the oh so boring life of me?