Jun 02, 2005 19:33
I got totally burninanted'd. I mean my entire back, upper thighs, arms and face are red and itchy and are going to peel, goddamn. But I had tons of fun in port Aransas!!! W00t! Ahhhh, and I might even get a tan out of this deal. After my dead skin peels off, that is. Highlights of the trip: playing Uno approximately 50 times; reading the entire Sailor Moon manga (who knew it would be so much better than the anime?! god i am a loser), many Archie digests, three celebrity magazines, and two Hank the Cowdog books; watching Mars Attacks, Napolean Dynamite, and Mulan 2; eating chips, ice cream, candy, Dr. Pepper, cookies, mexican food, and burgers; running on the beach, swimming through seaweedy water after the storm the second day, building a sandcastle, having a seaweed fight, popping seaweed like bubble wrap, having a sand fight, burying people in sand and being buried, going to the beach at night with glowsticks and playing "I never", being whistled at twice by guys in trucks (one was an actual whistle, one was faked orgasm noises-that guy was too damn creative), going on a quest through convienience stores for Solarcaine, cussing a lot, being so noisy at night that the people above us stomped on the floor and the people next to us pounded the wall, getting lost SO many times on the way there and back, finding out who talks in their sleep, who sleepwalks, and who snores, and getting sandy and burned. Ahhhh, yes.
I caught you a delicious bass.