May 08, 2004 02:17
Apparently I live with a bunch of completely uncontrollable, insane people. I just got home from work about 30 minutes ago, and walked in to find the entire house trashed. And I mean fucking trashed. Furniture torn apart, holes in the walls, random junk strewn all over, things spilled, things broken, shredded, pulverized. My grandmother's sewing machine lying in the middle of the floor, the bagfull of parts strewn all over the place. I don't know yet if it's broken or not, but it has been moved. I'm surpised that the cops didn't get called yet, although I considered calling them myself. I have no idea what to do at this point other than wait until tomorrow to deal with it. The people I'm dealing with are as trashed as the house is, drunk to the point that they aren't making any sense whatsoever. I just needed to sit and type about this for a second. If I'd known that something like this was ever a possibility, I would have never agreed to this living arrangement in the first place. They say you never know someone until you live with them - I say you never know someone until you've lived with them for 6 months, and you get them really drunk. This is insanity. I can't wait to get the fuck out of here.
Speaking of which, I looked at one apartment so far, and right now, I'm considering just going to get it tomorrow. It's not a bad place, $375/month, $175 down. I have that. Credit check shouldn't be a problem, far as I know, and I've been working at the same place for almost 2 years. I know it's not a good idea to just rush into a place, but ya know...anything would be better than this, as long as I live by myself.
I feel numb. But underneath that...I can feel the anger.
boys are dumb,