Blogathon alert!

Jul 21, 2009 11:42

Hey everyone! Just wanted to take a moment to pimp help my sister out. =) She's participating in this year's Blogathon, and she's looking for sponsors! Her charity of choice this year is the National Foundation for Celiac Awareness. If you follow the link below, it will take you to her online journal (on Livejournal, for those of you reading this via facebook), where she explains everything in detail - what the blogathon is, how it works, how sponsoring works, etc. I'll be sponsoring her, of course, and I hope some of you will too! Even if you can't afford to sponsor her, feel free to drop by and say hello. She's doing this for a good cause, and it's a lot of fun. She'll be blogging for 24 solid hours this coming Saturday, so drop by her journal and cheer her on! Comment conversations really help the bloggers pass the time and stay focused. (And for those of you who are non-Livejournalers, you can still leave comments on her blog entries, so don't be shy!)

Here's the link to her journal. It's usually a "friends only" journal, but she is making her blogathon posts open to everyone, so you'll be able to see and leave comments and whatnont.

Hope to see some of you there!

big things, friends, family

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