I am officially done with school until January 5, and boy-howdy, am I glad. This whole quarter (in case you couldn't tell) has been stressful in the sense that I have not been able to get myself motivated at all, on anything. Now, I'm usually pretty lazy, I'll admit, and I do put everything off until the last minute - hence the subtitle to my journal - but I don't usually battle such a bad case of indifference, sloth, depression or lack of energy as I have this quarter. My heart just wasn't in it for some reason. These last couple of weeks have been pretty busy though, with all my last-minuteness piling up, so it is a huge relief to have it all behind me now. And I really do feel like a Golden God: I put together my 15-20 minute presentation this morning, and I did it in PowerPoint form, which I had never done before - and my prof loved it & asked me to email her the PowerPoint so she could use it in the future! Everyone in class liked my presentation, which made me feel great. =D Hoorah! To quote Kevin Spacey from American Beauty: "I rule!"
Of course, now I have to write 2 papers for my college application, but they're small and they aren't due until January 8. I plan to have them both finished before I go out of town on December 21, but that still leaves me plenty of time. Also, I really need to do some brushing up on my ASL - I've taken off 2 quarters now, without practicing one bit, and I'm signed up for the next level class next quarter. Hopefully it will come back to me quickly - I still have my book, and I'm thinking maybe my sister will help me practice when I visit for the holidays.... *puppydog eyes* =)
SO! I have still been taking photographs for my 365 project. I did miss one day - last Thursday I spent the entire day writing papers for school, and I failed to take a picture at all. But here are the ones I have taken:
"Frosted Flakes"
This was the first night I actually had frost on my car - I can't believe winter is really here already. Geez!
"Next Time I'll Stand on a Chair"
Yeah - I was leaving work when I realized I hadn't taken a picture. I love barber poles, and the shop right next door to my pizza place has one. Next time, though, I really will stand on a chair - I didn't get the shot I really wanted, but it was something like 17 degrees outside, so I just ran with what I got. Not terrible, but not quite what I wanted.
"Warm Fuzzies"
I just liked the way these looked in the sunset light. The picture I really liked turned out to be slightly out of focus, but this one will suffice. This was taken while I was sitting in line at the Walgreens Pharmacy Drive-Thru. Pretty. =)
"These Boots Are Made for Sitting"
Yeah. Just got these boots from mom - they are a Christmas present, but I have such weird feet that I have to try everything on ASAP so we can return things in a timely manner. I love these boots. LOVE these boots. 4 inch heels are new to me, but so what, I can walk in them. I've been tromping around my house in them randomly, trying to break them in a bit, so I thought, "Hmm, I love my boots, I'm dressing up for my presentation, I think I'll wear them!" Great idea - NOT. Walking around on carpet for a couple minutes at a time is one thing. Walking on concrete, on an incline at some points, in brand new boots with heels higher than anything I've ever worn before = badtimes. My feet cramped up so bad, I didn't think I'd make it to class. I took them off as soon as I got in the classroom & did my presentation in my socks. I then put my boots back on & walked back to my car, almost in tears by the time I got there (downward slope is worse than slight incline!) I am so, so mad that they make my feet hurt like that. I am determined to find a way to wear the suckers - some sort of insert or padding or something should help. Because dammit, I love these boots, and I will wear them! I just won't wear them when I have to actually walk. *disclaimer to new people* I am not one who generally chooses to suffer for fashion, much preferring comfort over style. This is very out of character for me. But I love these boots.
So, there's my update. Huzzah! And the rest of this week should be smooth sailing. For now, I'm headed out to get myself a celebratory drink or two. Hope everyone had a great Monday. Much love to you all!
ETA: If you want to see any of my pictures a bit closer, just click on them. =)