damn, I say goddamn! I'd like to say I loved all of GOS, but I still ended up sewing until Saturday morning, and since I helped Kelly move tables and then had to clean up the camp (three times no less), I missed every battle game and 60% of quest. But once feast started things got a lot better- I actually *gasp* ROLEPLAYED in AMTGARD!!!! I know, I know, it sounds impossible, but for three whole minutes there was actual role play.
Mira sang Saturday night, which of course was awesome-
Loki's song, though the person singing it on that site is pathetic compared to the way Mira sings it. hhhmmm.... I wonder if she'd record it for me. Anyway. The schnapps went over crazily. Next year the amount will be tripled, with a bottle for Kelly and Mira- and I shall have to watch Kuma next year, as he drank half a bottle of the *LAST* amount I had.... but he was drunk, so I didn't say anything.
Wasn't all good- I guess Tyler's been moved to more dangerous territory. With transfer of power, you'd think we'd leave them to their own devices, like we said we would. Peh, fancy that not happening.
Tired. At least a break from sewing for a few days, at least until Mom's printer gets rolling and I can try some new corset patterns. Now Ah Clean.