May 11, 2004 20:23
Oh my gosh, an update. Short on time, still, maybe tomorrow will be an easier day.
Cool: (a)Bill off test, can now party; (2)Tyler send e-mail, finished with Jade (need to get stuff back), wants special brownies (he wishes) and more playstation2 games. Isn't getting shot at much anymore (but it only takes one bullet, for pete's sake); (c)Grandma should be out by the end of this or beginning of next week, much cookies and pies to follow (including gardening- YAY DIRT!); (4)Old yucky fence finally torn down on side of old yucky house, but at least we have a yard twice as large; (e)getting closer on dress, have hall reserved, still need to talk to a dozen people about various subjects (most I can get ahold of on computer but would feel better doing it in person) (6)Got to party with Haney and Eric, and even though Brooke wasn't around, it was still cool (rem: does she even *party*? Strange thought)
Not Cool: (1)Mom threw a big fit that I wanted to see her on Mother's day, spent most of the time on the river from Astonia (Stoney's house) to Steve- end result, I'm still a lobster. Jon reports no discomfort. Bastard. (b)Close but not close enough on wedding. Counting on Mom to talk to Aunt Christine about reception this week-end. Shouldn't count on her; (3)Did I mention I'm a lobster? Can't put a bra on without Bill's help, living with cool washcloths on my shoulders. Feels really really good though; (d)...need to talk to those people, STILL- Kim, Jaqui, Heather, Jess, and prolly fourty more I've forgotten about; (5)wwaanntt mmoorree sslleeeeeeppppp
Lie 1: When you're 5, being a bride is all about wearing a pretty dress and walking down the isle.
Lie 2: Your mother always knows what she's talking about. Even when she says a Tudor Rose has to go above a fleur-de-loooooo (sp whores, off my back, it's been a long day)because it looke neat. I've been trying in vain to remember those french cuss words Greg taught me way back in the day- maybe it'd prove my point to her.
Lie 3:You're never too old to..... nevermind.