Jul 03, 2005 06:28
That's right. It's 1:25 am, and where am I? Downstairs on the couch,
playing online, reading, watching TV, anything to get my stupid mind
off of throwing up.
We went out to eat tonight. I don't know if my
stomach is upset because I have mildish food poisoning, because I've
eaten nothing but crap all day, because I put a new NuvaRing in
yesterday, or if it's alllll in my head.
Such are the joys of emetophobia.
Phobia : an anxiety disorder that is characterized by an intense and, at least on the surface, irrational fear.
Therefore, 90% of people who say that they are
arachnophobic are actually just scared of spiders. If they were
phobic, the anxiety caused by seeing one or WORRYING about seeing one
would affect their everyday life.
Emetophobia is the 7th most common phobia
amongst Americans, though most people don't know it exists. I
didn't, until about 3 years ago. My mum has it too, which is
probably where I got it from, considering that phobias have genetic
I wish I didn't have it. Fearing of
eating or doing anything that could possibly make me sick DOES affect
me day to day. I avoid certain foods. When people around me
have a stomach virus, I get very selfish. Don't expect me to be
in the same room (or on the same floor for that matter) with you, wipe
your face, or bring you ANYTHING until you have been free of the pukage
for at least 12 hours. I've explained this to Jason. I've
told him it's nothing personal, and to please not get his feelings hurt
the first time it happens. It's just something that I simply
cannot help.
I do this wake up in the middle of the night
and freak out because I feel mildly nauseous thing 2 or 3 times a
month. It sucks, because then I'm tired all the next day.
My muscles hurt from being so tense. NO ONE except my mother
understands my fear, and it's only 6:30 am in Texas right now-too early
to call her in the summer.
My doctor is cool. He keeps me on a
running prescription of Phenergan. His wife is emetophobic, so he
understands. The crazy thing is, I rarely take it. It's
just my security blanket, knowing that I have it (Phenergan is the
strongest prescribed anti-emetic. It'll knock you on your ass,
but you sure as hell will not be throwing up).
I know how crazy "I have a fear of vomiting"
makes me sound. Hell, I could cry right now just thinking about
it. Or maybe it's just because I'm tired, and I want to go
upstairs, crawl back into bed, and cuddle with my best friend in all
of this world, but I can't. I have to wait until 3 am,
which my therapist used to refer to as my "safety hour" (meaning as
long as I can remember, I've never gotten sick after 3am, so if I can
go until then, I'm good). Another hour and 20 minutes.
I KNOW how crazy I sound, believe me. I'm a Psych major for God's sake. I know exactly what phobis are, possible causes of them, and what triggers them. Somehow, that hasn't been able to stop me from HAVING one. Unfortunately.
The average person gets a stomach virus ever
9-18 months. The average emetophobe gets one every 9-15
YEARS. It's because we've trained ourselves to just NOT GET
SICK. It's not involuntary, like most people think. There's
a center at the back of your brain which triggers it. If you can
learn to exercise control over this, you can force yourself not to get
sick. It's actually not dangerous to keep from throwing up
either-unless you have alcohol poisoning. That's the ONLY time it
needs to come up. Even with food poisoning it's not important,
because by the time it'd start making you feel sick, it'd have already
absorbed into your bloodstream. The mind is an amazing thing.
I haven't thrown up in 12 years, since I was 9
years old. My mum hasn't since 1980, and doubts she ever will
again. She's taken care of me, my brother, and my step-dad when
we were sick, and never caught anything. I have a feeling I'm
going to be the same way. It's like your mind knows that you
wouldn't be able to handle it very well, so your body just spares
Yet I still freak out. It makes me feel
crazy, and I can't believe that I have such an irrational fear that
affects me so strongly. I hate it. HATE IT. I know
that no one LIKES getting sick, but I wish I could just be like normal
people whom it doesn't faze.
I used to talk about it with my therapist-a
LOT. He was flippant about it, saying that there were many WORSE
things that could be wrong with me, and if I had devices that worked
for me (the Phenergan, my "safety hour", reading a book because I KNOW
that if I was actually sick, reading would be a BIG no no-the movement
of your eyes makes you feel worse) then I shouldn't stress over the
phobia itself. I suppose he was right. I just wish still
that I didn't have to deal with it. It sucks.
For some odd reason, talking about it
helps. I LIKE talking about it. If I can explain it in full
to someone and get them to understand, at least partly, somehow that
makes me feel less crazy. It also helps me realize how silly it
sounds to be worrying about such a thing-which helps me to snap out of
That's what my mum was good for. She
tell me, "Kris, you are NOT sick. You need to fucking stop this
RIGHT NOW." While tht might seem mean...it's the only thing that
can pull me out. Coddling and being sympathetic doesn't
Anyway. I'm sorry I made this whole big
long post about throwing up. I mean really, EW. If you made
it throught the whole thing, next time I'm close to where you live,
I'll buy you a drink (though I couldn't join you-I rarely drink because
I don't know what my limit is, and how much would make me throw
up. Heh.).
I'll most likely feel stupid for writing this
later, and delete it. For now...it was just so I could talk about
it and keep my mind off of feeling yucky for a while.
Fifty minutes to go.