A Thingy I copied and pasted off of Marissa's Journal

Apr 12, 2004 21:42

I hope you don't mind Marissa (if you read this)...

:name: Amy
:backwards: Yma
:Does your name mean anything?: Beloved
:Were you named after anyone?: It's my Great Great Grandmother’s name.
:Nickname(s): Aims

:Screenname(s): Amy, Aim-eeeee
:Date of birth: December 14th, 1986
:Place of birth: Grendfell Hospital
:Current location: Toronto, Ont. (heh heh)
:Religion: Catholic
:Height: 5'7"…I think
:Shoe size: 7 1/2 :\
:Hair color: Dark brown
:Eye color: Brown
:Righty, lefty, or ambidextrous?: Lefty
:How old are you mentally?: Sometimes 2, sometimes 26.
:What are your best qualities: Friendly, Outgoing, Fun and a Dork.

Do you have...
:Any sisters: Yes, 1
:Any brothers: Yes, 1
:Any pets: yup, 2 fish and a dog.
:A disease: No
:A pager: Nope.
:A personal phone number: Cell Phone.
:A leather jacket with studs on it?: Umm, no?
:A heroin needle: Oh yeah. Don’t leave home without it.
:A pool or hot tub: A pool
:A Car: Santa Fe

Describe Your...
:Personality: friendly, mature, caring
:driving: I drive good, I get annoy with people who cut me off, bastards…

:Room: heh…a tiny bit messy.
:School: Fun, I love my school
:Relationship with your parent(s): Perfect. My mom is hip and cool, LOL, my dad..not so much, but he’s a laugh.

Do You...
:Believe in yourself?: Yes
:Believe in love at first sight?: Yes
:Consider yourself a good listener: Yeah
:Consider yourself a good friend: I think I am…I hope I am
:Get along with your parents: Yes
:Save your e-mail or conversations: Nope, can’t say I do.

:Pray: When I really need help.
:Believe in reincarnation: Yes...definitely
:Like to make fun of people: No, I hate it when people judge others
:Like to talk on the phone: Like, oh my gawd! DUH!
:Like to drive: LOVE it.
:Get motion sickness: nope...wait…uh…sometimes,
:Eat chicken fingers with a fork: why make a fork dirty?
:Dream in color: Always.
:Type with your fingers on home row: Yeah, that’s how I learned.
:Sleep with a stuffed animal: Yep, Johnny and Corwin

What Was/Is (or Are)...
:Right next to you: A couch
:Your room: My bed…mmm…I love sleeping.
:On your mouse pad: …no mouse pad right now.
:Your dream car: BMW Roadster or PT Cruiser Convertible.
:Your dream honeymoon spot: Hawaii
:Your bedtime: around 12/1 on weeknights
:Under your bed: A whole lotta clothes
:Your bad time of the day: evening...realizing I still have to do homework
:Your worst fear(s): People that I love die.
:The time?: 9:18pm
:The date?: April 12th
:The weirdest food or drink that you like?: Frozen Grapes
:The hardest thing about growing up?: Being under-estimated

:Number: 6
:Color: Blue
:Day: Sundays

:Month: July or August...and December
:Song: 1000 Maniacs - These are the days
:Movie: Titanic and Enough
:Food: Chicken Cesar Salad
:Band: Nsync
:Season: Summer
:Sport: Tennis to Watch. Volleyball and Basketball to Play.
:Class: Environmental Science
:Teacher: Mr. Strickland
:Drink: V8 Splash
:Veggie: Carrots
:TV Show: American Dreams
:Radio Station: 96.3..OZ Fm
:Animal: Puppy
:Flower: Lillys

Love + Relationships...
:Do you have a bf/gf?: Kinda

:Do you have a crush?: Yes.
:How long have you liked him/her?: Since about 4 months ago

:Why do you like this person?: He’s fun to talk to and hang out with, super with kids and his arms..lol
:If you're not single... give details...: Nahhhh

:How long was your longest relationship?: 8 months
:How long was your shortest relationship?: I like grade 5…a week, lol.
Who was your first love?: Oh gosh…Cory

The Past...
:Last thing you heard: I love you Amy..from Kat
:Last thing you said: Guess What!
:Who is the last person you saw?: My Aunt Judy, yay!
:Who is the last person you kissed?: real kiss? Craig. But I kissed my Aunt today.
:Who is the last only person you hugged?: Melissa
:Who is the last person you fought with?: My aunts cat…damn cat
:Who is the last person you were on the phone with?: Craig
:What is the last TV show you saw?: Nick and Jessica’s Variety Show.
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