
Apr 18, 2005 14:07

The weekend, part two!

A bunch of people at the party Friday night were talking about going up to the Snoop Dogg concert in Vail on Saturday. Advanced tickets were sold out, but there were more to be sold at the door, starting at 2pm.

Jon and I were way too hungover to go straight up there, but his friends N & C were up there (C lives there), so we knew we'd have a place to crash if we went. It also turned out that the tickets sold out in no time at all, but the venue was a pretty open space, and there would be plenty of space to sit and listen for free, even if we couldn't see. So, we drove up, but most of the other people who said they were coming up didn't. Strictly speaking, *I* drove up, cause Jon was in a serious world of hurt from the night before. Not like that was gonna stop us.

So we got into Vail and scoped the place out. It was going to be just fine to stand right outside the barriers and watch, so we went off to get some food before the show started.

On the way back to the park, I had one of the freakier experiences of my entire life.

Jon and I were walking on the side of the road, away from where all the people with tickets were walking. We passed a couple of scalpers, and some other people just standing around. We had to drop our held hands to walk around a couple of people, and as we passed them, the guys calls out, "Kate!"

I turned around and looked at him. He had no face I had ever seen. He looks back at me, face saying, "Hey! It's Me!"

I asked him, "I'm sorry, do I know you?" and he looks at me like I just kicked his puppy.

"You don't remember me?" And he struck this pose that I can only assume was supposed to elicit some deep and tender memory from me. The girl he was standing with looked at me with all the expectation of someone who knew they didn't want to vomit, but couldn't hold back the rush.

"I'm sorry, I really don't remember you." I felt absolutely awful, that here was this guy that I had just completely and totally erased from my memory. I dug though names and faces and places where I could possibly have known him from and drew a big fat blank.

"Are you kidding me? We dated!" I saw Jon's head snap to me, and this look of utter amusement break over his face. And that was where the reality struck me.

I didn't know this guy. At all. From anywhere. I didn't go to high school with him, he didn't know me from grammar school on the east coast, we didn't have classes in college together, I wasn't his former ta for an astronomy class. We had never met. Ever.

"I really don't think so. Where are you from?"

"Fort Collins!"

"Yeah, see? I've set foot in Fort Collins maybe twice in my entire life. I don't think I really know you. But my name IS Kate."

"No way! Really? That is too weird!"

Yeah. Extremely weird. I've heard that I have a true Doppleganger, but I had no idea that this chick running around, looking like me has my damn name as well.

But I knew the second he said that we'd dated that it wasn't the case. I remember all the guys I've dated preeetty clearly, and this guy wasn't one of them. He was quite short, not at all cute, and very much not my type. Not even in high school, when I was followed around by boys who didn't know any better that just because I was nice to them didn't mean that I wanted to go out with them. There wasn't even a possibility that he could have construed my niceness way back when as 'dating' because we weren't even from the same town.

PHEW! For a moment there, he really had me going! I really, really knew this guy, but had completely forgotten him! Only not. The world set itself straight again. The buzz I had on from a coupla hits off the pipe before we started walking, and this alleged hole in my brain really had me spinning there for a couple of minutes.

The setup for the concert was a blue mesh barrier around Ford Park, and a ribbon of Caution tape strung up about ten feet outside of that, with rental cops standing around looking bored. When The Game came on, a couple of people rushed the caution tape, hurdled the mesh fence, and broke in. Every few minutes, a couple of people seriously contemplated doing the same, but no one really wanted to go unless they were assured that lots of people behind them would follow. Some of the larger groups were successful, but some individuals ate shit over the fence, and some were caught by security on the other side.

After a while, a police officer came and stood where we were standing and announced that they were going to let the barriers down, and that we could go in, so long as we did it in an orderly fashion. No problem, copper man. And so we, along with the several thousand other people standing around outside got into the concert to see Snoop Dogg for free, joining the perhaps three thousand inside who'd already paid for their tickets. I just hope they didn't pay too much for 'em, cause there ain't no better price than free.

Snoop was awesome, and the crowd was awesome, if a bit crowded. Crowd mentality sucks, until Snoop raps, "I don't know what you heard about me, but a bitch can't get a dollar outta me. No Cadillac, no perms, you can't see..." and the crowd chants back "That I'm a motherfucking P.I.M.P!" Jon kept his arms wrapped around me to protect me from the push of the mob, and the whole thing was good, good stuff. He doesn't like to brag, but Jon's an excellent dancer, so having an excuse to have my back pushed up against him and his arms around me while Snoop kept the beat for us was very pleasant.

I only kicked myself about a thousand times for forgetting to bring my camera.

After the concert was done, we met N&C out at the bars. They were about ready to head home, but they let us twist their arms to come out with us for a quick round. We scored some comfy chairs in The George, and I got my buzz back from a long island iced tea while we chatted about stuff. We wrapped up the night at C's place, and promptly passed out on the futon kept available for us, the crowd in my head still singing along, "SnOOOoooooooooooooooOPP!"


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