
Jul 13, 2004 21:37

HmMmMm!!!! Ok heres what IVEE been duin. Haha. Well, sunday i went to youth n then came home n found out that i miss my monie!! I also found out That its not about whos known me the longest, its whose been there fo rme the most! I love shannon n kathy! Lol. Yesterday i went shoppin with tini n candace. Its so depressing because theyre so skinney and they look cute in EVERYTHING! Lol. We had so much fun with our straws tho! Haha! We had a good tym! N then, i went BoWliN with Kathy, Shannon, Tizzy, Jonny, and Alex. We had fun. None of us broke 100. Come to think of it, i dont thik we even broke 80! LOL! We had so much fun tho. We saw brendan there but, idk him 2 well so i just sed hey n that was it. Then we went to wendy's n kyle shannon n kathy came over and watched a movie. I slept lol. Then they left n i went bak 2 sleep, and i woke up 15 minutes b 4 i had to be at werk 2 day. i was lyk WOAH!!!! So i hurried 2 get there n i was duin that til 1. Then i came home n slept til about 5:30 n then got ready for youth council meeting and then i came home. Now im sittin at this computer and well thats about it!!!!!!!! LeAvE me sum comments! Haha!!!!!
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