Summer picspam, anyone?

Nov 07, 2009 12:09

Alright, so this time I decided not to post a full rotation of picspam at once. I learn from my mistakes. So, now you get a couple of houses worth, up to where I've played. Not all houses are even included in this rotation, since the kids are in college and the nest is empty. But first, before that, let's...

... have a couple of shots of Sal, from the stuff that ended up on the cutting room floor.

The bar scene was easy to shoot really, no tricks involved. Sal and Komei were friends from Sal's earlier job in Science (so that part is even true), so I simply moved Komei in. Then I had Sal purchase this existing community lot downtown (Sal's got a lot of money part of which I gave to him with motherlode when I made him), sent the two over, bought the open/closed sign and closed the business to keep townies and Bookacies at bay. Then I summoned a random sim to be bartender and make Sal and Komei drinks while I made them sit them at the counter and shot away.

Had this been real life, or did sims drink anything else than juice, both actors would have been quite drunk by the time I finished.

Not all pictures I got exactly suited the mood of the scene. Sal! Stop drumming the table, and Komei's on the other side!

Sigh. How can I keep making you a villain when you make faces like this. I heart Sal.

Not that Komei looked much more in the correct mood all the time, either. I had to use a little more shots where they looked straight in front of them than I would have liked, but whenever they discussed they just looked way too happy! Well, at I got okay shots in the end, and had fun, too. =)

Anyway, let's get on with the actual rotation picspam. After the main house, the next house with kids still at home was the Thayer house.

The adults of the house, Bonnie and Thomas, have been working on Thomas' LTW, 50 dream dates, ever since college. Now they were finally getting very very close, and no wonder this is a frequent discussion topic for them.

It came time for that final dream date, so I decided to actually send them downtown to make it special. With dinner and all.

Thomas, behave! This is supposed to be a dream date!

They got to use the photobooth, too.

"For innocent purposes only, mrs. Crumplebottom, innocent purposes only!"

Yeah right.

I don't think I've actually had anyone whacked by Crumplebutt's purse before. She shows up every now and then, but usually my sims have been able to be sneaky enough to avoid this. I had a giggle and luckily the date score didn't suffer much.

The couple returned home to end the date, and after that Thomas was very platinum, and will be for the rest of his life. Yay!

As for the kids, life has been as usual. Some cousins have visited and friends have been made.

Clyde never got interested in the paper girl, and perhaps showed interest in the wrong girls, so I gave him a date.

This was not excactly what I had in mind. Barbara is also a cousin (first cousin once removed if I'm not mistaken), and well, gay. So I had Clyde be friendly, say goodbye and payed the gypsy a little bit more.

This time looked somewhat more promising.

Clyde agreed.

In fact, very much so.

I think one of the cousins this generation already dated this girl - probably Charlie, as he's had the most dates - but let's not tell Clyde.

We also had a small animal problem. You see, Spot, the family's dog, is so aggressive that regardless of training, he keeps growling at poor mamster Wally, and Wally keeps panicking over beeing growled at.

I send my sims to scold, that's not a nice thing to do. But the scolding is not terribly useful. Maybe I should place Wally differently, so that Spot couldn't bother him.

In any case, Wally deserved some positive attention after this.

The rotation was slightly shorter than usual, since it was time for the kids to go to college. Or, so far only the student bin, where they wait until I finish the rotation and start dropping them on lots.

The next house with kids home were the Bruenigs.

Chip had shipped to college, but Cissy was still at home to play with Alegra the cat.

And well, act cute with her boyfriend, Alon, when Marsha throws a party.

Some college kids came to visit for that party, and fun was had by all. Chip needed to see his sister, after all.

Beatrice and Barbara were over as well, and came along with everyone just fine.

Also, Cissy brought from school Joe Grundstrom, and they, like Cho and Joe, made friends on their own. Luckily Joe didn't make any moves on Cissy, or I might have needed to get mad at him. But he behaved just fine.

And this must be proof that my version of Joe Grundstrom is not all bad, right?

Other than that, Bailey became permaplat the second time by maxing all skills. If I remember correctly, he now wants to be Criminal Mastermind. Marsha is working on becoming General.

Apparently the couple is also excited that the nest will soon be empty.

And well, soon it was, as Cissy headed for the student bin, too.

The final household in this picspam is the Patch household.

Abraham was getting very, very old, so playing that house was kind of a bittersweet experience.

Abraham did mostly his own thing. I don't know why he did this, it looked to me as his knee was hurting or something.

He took care of feeding Dolores, which was Kendra's job before she died.

We did lose him during this rotation, and it was sad. Now he rests next to his Kendra on the spare graveyard. At least for now the rough part is over, both Aurora and Andrew and Aadam and Joy should have some good time left, so there's the silver lining.

As for the adults in the house, Ramin finally made it to permaplat slightly before Abraham died. (Notice Abraham on the background? Playing the guitar was one of his favorite activities.)

The reigning couple is still cute whenever they have time for that. Both of them have a large circle of friends to keep up with, not to mention their careers.

But they do find the time to play with little Connor nevertheless.

As for Connor, he, like everyone else, has been getting to know the cousins. This here is Christa, the youngest of Barry and Laura.

The Custer girls are still a tight bunch, despite Corinna having gone to college. I don't think I could separate the twins - not that I want to, either. At least in college they'll definately be living together.

Little Christa made best buddies with Calista while visiting the Patches.

We also invited the headmaster over for Connor. I had almost forgotten that he wasn't in the private school already.

After this, Vince minused Ramin for asking to give him a tour. The headmasters have been doing that some lately, I wonder what's up with that. Well, at least the tour went fine and the food was good, so Connor got in just fine.

Carla, who also left for college this rotation, has been her usual self, that is, making friends and dancing on her own.

After Abraham died, the family wanted a puppy, so I adopted them Jake. Jake grew up soon, and he is way cute I think.

Other than that, not terribly much up in that household. Bianca still likes to throw parties, and invite over friends and relatives. And the relatives love to smustle.

So that's what's up in Alphabetia recently. Maybe I should post some college picspam too, but that'll have to wait for another time, I'm not up for that right now. Anyway, things are progressing, little by little. Next in line to be played are Bill and Sandy, I suppose I'll get to them today. More picspam after I've played more!

bruenig, legacy, patch, thayer, picspam

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