Well, first things first, we have an update! That was closer to done than I thought. As always, comments are welcome wherever you might feel inclined to leave them. I hope you enjoy!
Second of all, I'm doing this week's Weekly simming a day early, because from tomorrow on, I'll be mostly offline for about a week. The biggest news of the week is that since yesterday evening, I'm officially on VACATION! Whee! *dances around* So first I'll be a bit absent, then likely more present again.
As for this week's simming, well, it mostly consists of the above. I got to sim a little most evenings this week, and I was pretty good about typing as I played this go around, so tonight, I got to post the update. So very nice progress there.
Also, I did a little bit of writing for the Bookacies on the side. That chapter now stands at 76 slides written. Little by little. I hope to have some nice progress on that during the vacation. That is, once I'm back online again.