Weekly simming 13/2016 & rebuild ponderings

Apr 03, 2016 21:18

Alright, so first my weekly progress report. This week was a pretty nice one progress-wise. On Monday, I finished the third week for the Capps in Lakewood. I also posted picspam on them. And yesterday, I finished writing the related update. So not bad!

Today, I've been playing the Bruenig house in Alphabetia. I'm a couple of days into the rotation, which is nice progress-wise. And I've written a little on the next Bookacy update, currently on 47 slides. So a little bit of progress there too.

But with the glitches that I'm facing, I'm now really starting to think about the upcoming rebuild. I think it may be upon us sooner than I've thought. So to clear my own head, I'll go into more detail below. Follow the cut if interested!

I'm about a quarter-rotation into the spring in Alphabetia, and the glitches are making me think that the rebuild may be upon us pretty soon. The most classic signs of VBTs going on I haven't seen, like LTWs on toddlers, but there's a lot of smaller annoyances. Sims not being able to use some objects for apparently no reason, slightly odd wants here and there, healthy sims suddenly running to puke repeatedly, sims getting stuck in walls... That kind of thing.

So all of that is making me suspect that the 'hood might have limited mileage left. And with the above, it's getting kind of annoying to play. So currently, I'm heavily considering not trying to get through the spring rotation, but rather stopping at a suitable spot - such as after finishing the current house and sending college-bound teens to college - and doing the rebuild early. I was kind of hoping I'd get to graduate gen. D before that and basically do the rebuild just about the same time as the first downgrade, but looking at all the glitches, that's looking more and more unlikely. Oh well, not that it matters really.

Besides, why spend time playing a heavily glitchy 'hood and curse at all the problems, while all the time fearing that it'll all just explode, when I could recreate the current situation and do the playing in the new fresh 'hood and probably enjoy it more? And another good point might be that while re-building, I could maybe fast-forward a bit, and say, create sims in their late teens as YAs and so on. Maybe I could even enforce a new, stricter policy with the extended family a bit early, even though the official explanation would only come at the downgrade point. So at the moment, I'm thinking I should play the Bruenig household to the end of spring, then start preparing the rebuild, growing up any babies, taking pictures of houses, extracting sims and taking notes on their stats and stuff.

One big thing here is doing the rebuild itself. I've never done one before, so I'm a little nervous about it. I've had a list of stuff I need to do for a while, but actually doing it is different from planning it. I think the biggest question I need to make a decision on is the population of the new 'hood. Basically my options are, I think, to use the default characters like I did for the original 'hood, or to go for completely new ones. Since I'm not planning to move the family away from Alphabetia story-wise, it'd be sort of nicer to go with the default characters, because otherwise there'd be some explaining to do on how the town's population suddenly completely changed. On the other hand, if I get all the default characters, that's kind of a lot, and the 'hood will be pretty bloated from the start with unnecessary sims. And the family has also married quite a lot of those default characters in, so there'd be some death by makeover for me to do. I could of course also make my townies by hand and insert those and only those default characters that I want, plus any others that I might want. Only I don't know of a way to hand-make NPCs, and since the main family marries those in, it's kind of a big point.

Ok, I think that was most of what I currently have in mind about the rebuild. Feel free to say if you have opinions or advice on it - much appreciated. :) I think I'll tune the to-do list on the rebuild a bit and post it some time soonish.

weekly simming, ramblings, rebuild

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