I thought it'd maybe be about time I said something, and decided it would be a good time to do a progress report of sorts.
I haven't actually been simming much at all recently, as you may have noticed from the fact that I haven't been posting any more picspam. I have been busy with sims stuff, though. It just happened that I've been struck by a writing mood lately, and it has stuck. Since one doesn't simply ignore a writing mood when it happens, I've been working on the recap chapter, and have quite some progress on it. I'm currently on 171 slides, and just wrapping up the Cyrus-gets-vamped storyline, so just about to send generation C to college.
This means that the chapter will very likely be over 200 slides long, seeing how much plot there's been yet in the past generation or so. But I suppose that's acceptable; I'm trying to cover five-ish generations, 39 chapters and a truckload of plot. Actually, seeing how wordy I tend to be, managing to squeeze the recap into a single chapter will be an achievement in itself.
Although the words have been coming easily, and I have all the pictures, it's still a bit slow. Why? Well, because I have ALL the pictures. All the ones that I need and also all the ones that I don't need. It's pretty amazing how many pictures I've accumulated over time. And when I want a specific one, especially in these early generations when I used the in-game camera and the pictures aren't in any order whatsoever, well, browsing through them all takes some time. But I'm about to get to the era of Gadwin printscreen and order, so yay?
I've also been pretty surprised by how long I carried on with my "old" style of writing. Basically, I, as the Creator, only stopped being constantly visible in the story only late generation B. I know some people hate player-sim interaction in stories, I personally have nothing against it but I do think I made the right choice for this story and where it was going. I'm present in the background, with the possibility to emerge again should plot call for it, and that's how I like it for this story. There's something I miss from the early days though: humor. I don't want back the overall goofy style, not for this story, but I should try to stay out of the overly serious area, too.
In other news, I've been continuing on rebuilding my Downloads folder, outside of the game so that it doesn't disrupt my playing and when I'm ready, I can just switch folders. Or so I hope. :P I'll admit I'm somewhat drowning in CC. It's not much of a surprise, but it turns out that even though I'm nowhere near done, the new Downloads folder is already much bigger than the old. And that's despite the fact that I'm letting go stuff that I wasn't using or that doesn't seem to suit my general style, and I'm trying to weed out excessive recolors and so on. There's just so much of pretty stuff around these days. (Not to mention, I follow
trappingcrushes on Tumblr, meaning that I get a boatload of new pretty stuff poured over me every couple of weeks.) Well, Alphabetia isn't going to get any smaller, so I do think more usable stuff is in order. And now that I'm more organized, it should be easier to get rid of stuff I find I'm not using.
So such has been on my mind/desk simming-wise lately. Sorry about the babbling, I hope I didn't talk your ear off. Next, I think some more writing is in order. :)