Year in Review/Simming resolutions 2012

Jan 01, 2012 17:49

Happy 2012, all! Here's hoping your year will be great and prosperous! Mine at least started great, with an awesome party with friends. (And now I'm just a wee bit tired...)

So, since 2011 is now officially over with, I thought I'd look back and see how I did with regard to my simming resolutions for 2011, and then maybe try and make a few for this year.

So, how did I fare with my last year's resolutions?

1. Meet generation D. Well, I'll say that I accomplished this one. I mean, I didn't meet all of generation D, but I've met some, and I'm working on bringing in more. I didn't quite expect that at the turn of the year the oldest of the generation would be toddlers, but this resolution doesn't say anything about that, does it?

2. Conclude generation C's plot arch. Err... Almost? Had I managed to get the double update I'm working on now out before the New Year, I would have considered this one done. There's still some aftermath to come after that but basically the plot volcano eruption will be done after that. I'm getting there, so I'm pretty happy.

3. Meet generation E. *points and laughs* As I said, the oldest of gen. D are toddlers at the moment, so that didn't quite happen. :P Well, I knew it wouldn't, didn't I?

4. Make a proper download archive of the Bookacies. Done, although I haven't gotten around to adding generation C yet. Plus some supporting characters, like my simself. Well, this one is doing quite well, and gives me something to work on this year.

5. Be done with the photo recolor project. Oh, yeah, that... *shifty* Well, in fact, I haven't as much as touched this one all year. Somewhat embarassing, but it's a big, intimidating project.

6. Try to be active. Well, yes and no. I haven't been quite as active as I would have hoped, but I have managed to catch up a little bit on stories I've wanted to read (not nearly as much as I would've hoped, though), and I've participated in sim_scenes and simspiration a few times. There's certainly room for improvement, but I've done something.

So overall, I suppose it's okay. These grandiose plans never come out quite that grand, right? Well, what should I try to accomplish this year?

1. Finish gen. C's plot arch. This really needs to be done, so I can get on with things. And I'm almost there, so this should be an easy one.

2. Get gen. D to college. Okay, I'll try to be a bit more modest this time. At this rate, I'm clearly not going to meet gen. E this year (either), but maybe I can get gen. D sent to college? *tries not to think about how long this challenge will take in total*

3. Bring the download archive up to date. At this point, this'd mean that I add the gen. C members and the supporting characters. Should be doable, I just need to kick myself in the rear to get this done.

4. Bring the family tree up to date. This is just something that has been bugging me a bit: not all of gen. Cs have their portraits up in Family Echo yet (because many are pregnant and I want a non-pregnant picture), and not all gen. D kids are added in the tree yet (because I've forgotten to add them). This should be quite doable, if I just edit the tree as I go along in my next rotation.

5. Clean my downloads folder. This is something tedious that I keep avoiding. My downloads folder is full of stuff, of which a significant portion I don't really use. Say, a bazillion recolors of the same outfit, and I haven't bothered to weed out the ones I don't like. It's slowing down my game, so some cleaning would be in order. Plus, there's lots of new stuff I want to replace it with. *shifty*

6. Get my act together about the photo recolor project. It's really about time I did something about this. Maybe this year?

7. Try to be active. As active as I can, because active is nice.

So such. I hope your year has started great. Now I think I'm off to meet another member of generation D, and possibly arrange and write the double update a bit. :)


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