Saturday. In the morning it’s cloudy with occasional mild sunshine. I vacuumed rooms, wiped wooden floors and cleaned toilet. The usual weekly cleaning. Then did many small tasks - one of them was picking the narcissus in the garden and put them in small vase. I love their nice fresh scent.
Recently we did the kitchen renovation and got the new drawers for dishware. But everytime we open or close the drawer the piled plates and bowls tend to move, this slight movement can damage them. So today I put the small partitions between the piles of plates or cups. It’s rather fun to think where in a drawer I should put the partitions.
It’s become gloomy and colder after lunch, one of the garden cats has stayed in a box for hours. Even when I went out onto the verandah and back, he was still in it. Clever boy, he knows I’d do nothing wrong to him.
(No, my friend
vjezkova, this one is not your Puma boy XD)
Middle in the afternoon it started raining. Cold winter rain. But it might be good for the plants in the garden. The weather forecast says tomorrow afternoon we’ll have some sunshine.