Working on my own Tarot Deck

Aug 26, 2012 21:17

Cross Posted on my Deviant Art Journal and on my Livejournal Account. Because that is what people think of when they think of The Lamia... cheap and easy pleasure.

Well, I've begun working on artwork for Tarot Cards... you know making my own deck's illustrations. I'll probably throw them into a little website multimedia thing made with Pythons... maybe Pyramids. As well, why do that 1998 Geocities website shtick for my Paranormal crap. When I have Pythons and Pyramids! YAAY! Some would suggest Rubies... but I kind of want Amethysts on Rails... or Emeralds. Clearly Ruby is not a solution for that reason. I'm going through Pyramids well done documentation though... so it will be a bit.

Now the idea is to draw images and pictures so I can get a better idea of what each card properly means. This is in the Rider Wight imagery system of course.

This will not be my Pokemon Tarot Deck (though, I'd probably do that afterwards)

Now the odd part is: I've actually been doing revisions of various cards. I've done two different versions of both the eight of swords and the knight of swords. The two of swords I didn't even begin because I knew I'd end up not liking it.

I'll post the old version of both on Monday (tomorrow). The new Eight of Swords has the Queen of Swords tied up in rope, with the eight swords around her in the Infinity Plus One style from Soul Eater. The new Knight of Swords will have already thrown his swords up in the air like that... and will be standing like, "COME AT ME BRO!!" rather than just blocking the way to a bridge.

I'm not really going to bother trying to release an actual Tarot Deck using these images... as well, I doubt anybody would use it. I dunno... maybe I might figure out if I can get Kinkos to print up a few sets of these cards and have me sell them by consignment at some local stores? Possibly load one or two sets of them onto eBay? I dunno...

I could call it the Katrina "The Lamia" Payne set. On one side of the box art is the Knight of Swords doing "COME AT ME BRO!" and the other side is The Star. Yeah... I kind of noticed one side is minor arcana, the other major arcana on the box art.

Of course the Knight of Rods will be a woman... and a Real Estate Agent... holding a caduceus. In fact the rods will all be done based on the Caduceus... with heavy hints of extreme kleptomania. In fact everything in the Rods Suite should imply SOMEBODY is being robbed blind. I'm thinking of having Pirate Bay be depicted in the 3 of Rods artwork. With the King of Rods being "King of Thieves" in how he is shown.

I did consider having the Queen of Rods be David Bowie done as a very confused mixture of Ziggy Stardust and Goblin King Jareth. People would either not get it, because they know nothing about David Bowie. ... or get it, because they know about David Bowie... and wish to pretend they knew nothing about what they saw there.

The idea came after suggesting the Page of Rods be the Bass Player for the Spiders from Mars. My mind scares me for the most part.

I am hoping to work on a website where I take a hold of various psychology concepts, science and other items and explain how much of this neopagan stuff actually is a good idea. How a lot of it works... and why it doesn't work without this weird ceremonial stuff around it. It will not really remove the magic. It will just make the sceptics look even more like assholes than they really are.

If I want to toss around sparklies and little coloured bits of paper to gain inspiration to write how I will make a million dollars and get really rich and thank Astarte, Diane and whoever else... then leave me to it. It is not like you going, "THERE IS NO GOD" really leads you to being inspired to create a damned thing. No... you find something else... or you just tear down others works. Because why should people make anything if they doesn't worship your NO GOD?! Yeah...

Actually I find sex inspiring... and there is a lot of praising God, Jesus, She-jesus (thank you, Troutman), Eris, C'thulhu, Azathoth, Nyarlothotep, Lucifer, Satan (all the really good sex has "HEIL SATAN!" screamed out during it... fact!), Loki, Coyote, Inari, Omoikane, Ares, Ketos (again... all the really good sex: Ketos), Kami, and other names. Do you want to tear it down as rubbish as I screamed the name of some, or several, religious figures during it?

Either way, the idea is to release a website using designs, ideas and standards from a time that isn't 1998 Geocities, to include data streams, potholing, RSS, expiring data, time lines, rebloging, sharing, tagging, oauth, openid, commenting and so many other things that are available in Web 3.11 for Thought Bubbles (you were upgraded from Web 2.0 if you used that whether you wanted to or not). Sure people still run Web 1.0 and can get a lot of good use out of the 1998s Geocities paganistic stuff... but I shall program an architecture and post stuff that covers the good ideas in paganism.

As well, with Tarot Cards, from a marketing psychology perspective... the concepts actually use blind spots in my perception to look around other blind spots so that I can see what is in completely unrelated blind spots much better. You know... be able to survey things my Black Iron Prison blocks out. Other pagan type items tends to work the same way. You can see it... but your Black Iron Prison won't let you see it. You might not even have the knowledge to be able to see it. A lot of pagan stuff gets around your lack of knowledge in being able to actually see it--and have you do something about it.

This purely from a psychology point of view... paganistic practices do have some wonderful worth... even in anthropological and sociological standpoints.

Why not advertise doing Paganism on these very merits? Explaining what you are psychologically doing during this stuff... and why it is mother fucking awesome.

I dunno... I just find it tiring that sceptics who explain away preternatural stuff, tend to do it in ways that would have me proving computers and the internet do not exist as the demonstration computer does not have a power supply. I mean, if a computer cannot work without a constant running source of power, how is it really that useful. It clearly would be a waste of time would it not? So to prove the internet exists you must demonstrate it on a computer without a power supply. That is what sceptics do all the fucking time. (Anybody with even a rudimentary amount of knowledge in computers can tell you how that is flawed)

So my goal with this website will be, "Hey... I looked into how this worked. I looked into what is going on biologically, psychologically, sociologically, chemically and physically... and guess what? This is the whole picture. DO THIS PAGANISTIC STUFF!"

But I mostly just hate those websites that go "you'll know how it feels... you know the feel. YOU R TEH PSYCHIC!"... as an empathic pathogenic substance (that is, my energies alter your state of mind). That gets annoying. When you run empathy, telepathy or any of that stuff and have it touch my energies you will go into a mental state similar to a heroin high mixed with ecstasy... just by trying to psionically interact with me. That is not a mental state you can accurate use those abilities. So as a result those "you'll know by feels" websites really put me off. As I am not the only entity that will initiate a state like this in your person.

So yeah... figured why the heck not. Work on an update repository and grimoire. For the witches in Web 3.11 for Thought Bubbles.

So expect updates based on that.

imagery, tarot, my reality, stuff, drawing, deck, world, metaphorical, spiritual, website, paganistic, pagan, psychology, projects

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