looking back and moving on.

Jan 08, 2012 05:54

credits to fuckyeahyuuram for this.

this fanart of yuuri and wolfram is really lovely. :3
if you're my facebook friend then you'd probably think: "ah~ there she goes again" LOL i'm sorry.
just recently, i'm rewatching Kyo Kara Maoh's 1st season, watching the 3rd season, and just finished 2nd season + the 5 parts OVA. i'm being productive! though i'd been a fan of this anime since like 2007, my love for it grew stronger after watching those seasons i missed. or should i say, my love for yuuram has gotten stronger. probably because i have people to flail it with like shingung theseaweed enzeru_no_innen yujintegoshi and ichigosasaki . the same people i spazz with when it comes to tegomass. xD 
i'm also having an interest on reading yuuram fics, and even planning to read the manga. well hopefully i can do those things coz i tend to fail when it comes to keeping up with reading.

anyway, sorry if i haven't been a good lj friend by not commenting to some of your posts, though i'm reading your posts. it's just that sometimes i feel like i'd seem nosy or something.  cheer up everyone. and please don't leave lj!!!!!! it feels lonely when everyone is more on twitter/tumblr/dreamwidth/facebook. teheeee~ i say this myself when i spend so much time on those sites too. LOL what i mean is, don't neglect your journals. ♥

friends, kyo kara maoh, my otp, yuuram, anime

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