I've compiled an updated list of LJ communities that help with Katrina relief.
Note # 1: I’ve separated the currently active communities from the inactive ones. I deem a comm inactive if there hasn’t been any new post in the past week or so. Please do take a look at the inactive ones if you have a chance. New activities may have sprung up since my last visit.
Note #2: Please note that the weather-focused communities have started to discuss non-Katrina subjects. Be prepared to wade through landslides and Ophelia if you’re specifically looking for Katrina information.
Note #3: Much, much thanks to
kletta for providing me with the names of many of the comms in this list!
Katrina-themed LJ Communities, Active:
2005hurricanesartforkatrinacall_to_actioncat5_katrinafandom_aid_auctfandom_charityfc_creationsfor_refugeesgothdrivenolahoustonkatrinahpkatrinareliefhurricanehatershurricankatrinaicon_charityinterdictor - Posts and real-time updates from New Orleans with live cam feed.
Katrina_infoKatrina_linksKatrina_reliefKatrina_relief1katrinacane - Updates from New Orleans residents who didn’t evacuate
katrinahelpkatrinahelpinfokatrinareliefkatrinarollcallkatrinaskeepersneworleans - Updates from New Orleans
nolapetinfonolarescuenyers_to_helpsave_nolasca_crisisplanssister_citiesthe_fundtwc_aficionados - The Weather Channel lovers
twc_blogweathernerds Katrina-themed LJ Communities, Inactive: