Place to report missing or stranded people

Sep 13, 2005 22:55

To report missing or stranded people please go to the following website:

* *

Numbers family members can call to report missing or stranded
to the Louisiana State Police who are coordinating rescuing efforts:

In Mississippi call the State EOC at (601)-360-0054

In Alabama, for missing-not distress American Red Cross: (866)-438-4636

State OES has learned that trapped victims on the Gulf Coast are calling
family, friends, loved-ones, or anyone they can get a call out to in
California asking for someone to rescue them. These requests need to go
immediately to the US Coast Guard's Rescue Line at (800)-323-7233 and
immediate assistance will be sent.

It is a legitimate national 800 number that people can call if they have
information about an individual who is trapped in the hurricane area.
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