So... quick mention. Recently I'd had a discussion about how it was easy to make donuts (first with Tony, weeks ago, obviously, but it came up again today amongst family) and I thought of it whilst geeking, and went and looked up a recipe. According to
this, you can make doughnuts out of biscuit batter, if you're feeling lazy, which amuses me. So... anyone want some donuts as a gift? ^-^ I might have to look into getting a good system for them and doing them for a special occasion. Meanwhile, I beat Delicious 2 again (woohooo! Xo!) and listened to Nightmare Revisited, which always makes me burst out in ballet - I just thought that, although a musical may not transfer well, what about a ballet? I daresay there might not be much call for it - but perhaps I can slip it into a story somewhere! ^-^ A most wonderous idea, I think. Add it to my list of inside jokes, perhaps... Listening to Vampire Weekend, presently, which are not goth/dark rock like one might think, but more on the weekend side of it - they're a britpop/surfer kind of sound, and I do like them very much. As it is, my compie's battery is dying, and I'm rather sleepy... I've been exhausted since last wednesday, though... so I'mma take a nap, I think. ^-^ Love you guys! Just thought I ought to share...
OH! And apparently I didn't pay for my chem classes. What's up with that?! As it is, I'm relieved - I have a day off again! I informed Carmen, and I am quite adamant that the girls' days should go on as planned! >.> Also, the lovely Carmen (who came to my dad's wedding, you losers didn't come! :( ) also has a Regal gift card, so it sounds like we're going to have an afternoon betwixt the two of us sometime shortly ^-^ Always a charming thing, because Carmen is AMAZING like that. ^-^ I swear, I really do love that girl. She is everything that an eccentric, artistic, gifted child ought to become - creative, witty, absolutely gorgeous, and puzzling in the best kind of way! ^-^ I do love her so.
And I also found Claire's was having a sale! So I finally got my fedora! ^-^ Their hats were half off, so I got a striped fedora (with enough glittered stripes to know it's a girl's hat, but still WAY cool), in grey, and a brown cap that reminds me of Nancy Drew, but it has the most ADORABLE buttons on the side that are VERY steampunk, which is TERRIBLY exciting! ^0^ I LOVE hats!!! They are my true weakness! My beret from Target also finally came in, so I had a very hatful day yesterday! Also, did I mention my business cards came in on Wednesday? >.> I'm rather excited for business! ^-^ I even gave some cards to the alatte cafe downtown! I do so love that little place! Also, apparently the Cuddly Hippo does gift certificates versus gift cards? ^-^ Very cool, and good to know for future baby showers!
Okay, this time I'm really going to bed. Ooh, and check out
Sticks for updates!
~Lady K