25 random things (from Facebook)

Feb 01, 2009 17:02

Okay, I’m jumping on the bandwagon and doing this.

1. I am way too analytical to be random.
2. I am allergic to cats
3. Most of my closest friends have had cats
4. I didn’t learn to swim until I was twelve, although until college I always lived within 15 minutes of the ocean
5. I've always wanted to learn to play the piano and violin, although I'll settle for just being able to sing well.
6. I love Shakespeare
7. I can’t stand “Romeo and Juliet”-good writing but dumb ending
8. My favorite Shakespeare plays are “MacBeth” and “Hamlet”
9. I love Jane Austen
10. When the Harry Potter books came out, I would read each new one in 12 hours straight or less.
11. I’ve ridden a camel and sat on a yak but never been on a horse
12. After Ryan and I got married, I was able to name all the major league baseball teams and what divisions they were in
13. The only sodas I like are Diet Pepsi and Diet Coke
14. Growing up my career aspirations shifted between doctor, nurse, President, counselor, lawyer and finally teacher
15. I don’t have a single favorite color
16. Neither do I have a favorite movie
17. My favorite Bible verse is in Habakkuk
18. I tend to watch movies over and over
19. I consider a book to be truly good if I want to read it again as soon as I finish it (which is generally what I'll do)
20. I’ve read most of my fiction books more than 10 times each, some more than 20 or 30 times
21. I’ve actually watched two seasons of “Big Brother”
22. I have a tendency to "dumb down" my speech sometimes for fear of people getting annoyed at my use of "big" words.
23. Part of my seventh grade gym class consisted of cross-country skiing
24. I have really poor balance and therefore don't like ice skating (although I still go on occasion)
25. My coordination is so poor I once struck out in kickball
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