Aug 22, 2006 14:35
So, here I am, once again attempting to keep an accurate reference of my life through livejournal. Thats the reason I'd like to believe along with "it will help me to practice my writing" and "it will give me an outlet for frustrating emotions. However I do believe that most of the reasoning behind my starting this thing back up is a little thing I like to call Procrastination. Livejournal will be a wonderful place for me to whine about all the homework I have while at the same time giving me a break from actually doing the work. Wonderful isnt it?
And speaking of homework actually leads me to my next thought process (obviously because I'm the one writing, thinking, and processing.. heh) which is the fact that the school year begins in less than a week and I am absolutely dreading it. The thing is, normally by the end of the summer I am finished with the heat and free time and excited to get into the fall atmosphere, school supplies, and school. This year however, is surprisingly different. I suppose it has to do with the fact that I will be a senior this year and with being a senior comes many stressfull times. For one thing, it is almost time to apply for colleges and I am utterly distraught about that and for another .. well.. to be perfectly honest I am scared about leaving highschool. When I think of college I think of having to become an adult and having a job and getting married and gettng myself into a rut of boring lifestyle. In other words; I DO NOT WANT TO GROW UP!
There is, of course, absolutely nothing I can do about this and I must learn to just take life as it comes.
And there ends the first of hopefully many livejournal entries. I want to remember my senior year and this along with many pictures (I want to photograph a lot of things this year) will be the place for my memories.
p.s. you're welcome amanda :-D