First, thank you for creating this community. I feel helpless about what is currently going on in New Orleans. The government failed, and that's who my tax dollars are going to. I applaud everyone who is helping out there and reporting back here.
My husband and I have been devastated by the current crisis for all the victims of Katrina. There are lists of good charities out there to donate to, but we wanted to find something more direct and on the ground: a place where we know and can see how our aid dollars are being used and will feel confident in continuing donation to in the future in support of these victims.
During our search we happened upon an interview with David Toms and have now committed ourselves to supporting his foundation and their current commitment to help and support the victims of this natural and national disaster. Part of their focus is on making sure families are kept together. David gives a brief welcome on his foundation homepage, but it only scratches the surface of what he and the foundation are doing at the moment. They are based in Shreveport, Louisiana, north of New Orleans. Because of where they are and with their historical and practical knowledge of the people and place they operate in, and their proximity to the thousands of evacuees, they have stepped up to the plate and are already making an incredible contribution of real and significant aid to the victims.
The things he touched upon in his interview were immediate and ongoing scenarios many of us have not thought of. My mind just boggled at how he already had aid in place on all levels of family support, not just for now but for the weeks and months to come. He will be posting more on the foundation website as time progresses so everyone can see the strides they are making in helping the victims of this tragedy.
The advantage of donating to an established foundation like this is that everything is already in place. There is no red tape. Every dollar will be immediately funneled into practical support for the victims of Katrina.
I am posting about this foundation because it is not on the national list everyone is used to seeing. It is a Louisiana charity dedicated to making a difference in Louisiana. Their time has come and they are on the ground and moving.