Zine #2. is ready: FEMA cancels free water to people with no plumbing: racism, classism, sexism

Oct 14, 2005 16:35

Hello community members and all everywhere..,

I would like to share with you a zine called "The Open Source Classism, Racism, and Sexism Project: Hurricane Katrina, The Blogosphere And Corporate Media... "White People Find, Black People Loot." Zine #2 (second edition with updates from all over the world) of this new not-for profit zine (independent magazine) printable from online is now ready.  This issue talks about many, many issues including the following issues: Censorship, FEMA Deliberately Sabotaging Hurricane Relief Efforts; African People's Solidarity Committee Statement on Hurricane Katrina; Campus Activism Administration's Agreement Regarding Classism and Racism; Building Progressive Infrastructure:   Taking Friendster and MySpace Down - Building a Noncommercial Non-Sexist, Non-Racist Alternative - by Aaron Kreider, founder of Campus Activism, with responses by many, many livejournal users over the last four days..............

It is only 20 pages long. Please print them out and place them in your home, activist group, local co-ops, local coffee shops, collectives, libraries and other places. In this first issue I included 18 pages, so that you can create your own page 20 (add your agreements, disagreements with this publication, add a flyer for your activist project, your activist group, your distro, your band, etc.,) and then publish this publication as a 20 page booklet on the front and back of 5 sheets of 11" x 17" (or 279 x 432 mm) paper.

What is most revolutionary about this zine, is that it lets everyone in this community, place the issues that matter most to them on page 20 and circualte it along with other news that is not getting enough media attention.  That is the Open Source nature of this project.

There are a lot of privileged (progressive and conservative) people who would like to censor, ignore and sweep it all under the rug, including all the increasing ongoing injustices regarding Hurricane Katrina, but with your help we can make certain that the issue is not censored until those suffering most receive justice!  For those unaware, FEMA has recently turned away charities who want to deliver water to women and children in New Orleans with no pumbling.

Submissions are currently being accepted for issue #3. The submission process is on the zine. Thank you!

solidarity and love for all


On either of these websites http://www.opensource.dsame.com or http://www.campusactivism.org/displayresource-487.htm you will find two issues:  #1 and issue #2 of this zine in both pdf format and document format.  Special thanks to everyone who who spoke up in solidarity and kindness, your supportive and positive comments are appreciated!  The longer that Hurricane victims suffer, the more that privileged people on and off the internet want to ignore those who are suffering (and they will come up with every excuse to do it).  Thank you  :o)

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