Seriously, I wonder how they are going to bully Saudi Arabia into taking THAT one back?
It is very strange. Right now Physics is to me as the English language is to President Bush. I can use it well enough, but as far as the technicalities are concerned I'm throwing out whatever sounds smart.
On the other hand O-Chem seems to have me somewhat back on it's good side. I am forever at it's mercy, but for now I think I'm getting it fairly well. *knock on wood* (Thank you Amanda for the wonderful study session! It helped tremendously!) I hope tomorrow doesn't knock me on my hiney and remind me of it's doom-ed-ness.
*sigh* I wish I didn't have my physics test here soon, but I do. So oh well.
*frazzled me* + *test* ------------>> *!poof!* =^.^=