Every thing seems like it goes wrong in my life!!!!!

Apr 25, 2005 17:02

Gosh I just wrote an entry thingy. Everything is true. I hate Mrs. Collons and the rest of my teachers! If I did'nt have so much homework I would not have 2 worry about so much stuff. God! Mrs. Collons just now assigned another project! It's really overwhellming! And u know what else sucks! I get probably the worst grades in MATH!!!!!!!! My stupid dad now like took away like everything just because I got like 2 D's on my most resent report cards. Now my mom won't pay 4 me 2 go 2 Catalina with my best friend Natalie Rada because she says I'm 2 disrespectful 2 her. I would'nt always be so boring or so mean or so "disrespectful" if I felt like my life was normal. Sometimes I feel like nobody understands me! Oh well I guess I should'nt feel bad because my life is great compared 2 some peoples. I guess I'm just really depressed 2day. Tommarow I hope I feel a little more better. ~Katrina~
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