
Sep 21, 2007 07:14

I have been kind of depressed. Tom and I are arguing more than ever before. I am trying to work everyday, and he gets mad at me when I do. I like working, and I try to do everything I can to save our situation. But, it seems impossible lately. Our bills are piling up, and we have cut out the things we could, and lower the things we could ( Read more... )

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achickylala September 21 2007, 21:15:12 UTC
Well... you know I love you. You know that I support your choices whatever they may be. That's why friends are friends! :)

I really think it's important to evaluate your situation TOGETHER. I know thats hard because you guys hardly ever see one another. I'd be willing to watch Tommy for a couple hours just so you and Tom can sit down and go over everything if that will help you out. You let me know when.

I think it's important to remember also, that while you do have dreams, you do have a family. You have to make every decision with each other and Tommy in mind. It's hard to remember sometimes. I know you are only doing what you think is best at any given time, but situations always change. What's to say you wont spend all this time in school again, start doing sonography and not like it? You never ever know what the world will hold for you and you have to make decisions and adjust those dreams as your life goes on.

The house does need to go up for sale. Definatly find time to fix the whole in the door and de-personalize the house. List it on Craigslist, it's a great way to get people to see it. Don't worry so much about the grout, clean it, and use a white grout pen on it to make it look fresh. I have some if you need to use one. They work great. I'll help you with anything else you need as well.

I'm always here for you, Kev too. We love you guys and want nothing but the best and ultimate happiness for you all!!!


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