Apr 09, 2014 00:31
I start to write here because the Western Media blogs don't allow to write what you think.
And don't accept too share information what can be found in news papers around the World.
The Western Media is trying to say, that the Russian is propaganda.
Ofcourse they will write from theit point of view.
Since about a month ago the world did change alot.
The EU or Brussel did tell fairy tails to the people in the Ucrain.
They invested money in the Ucrain.
Become a part from the EU.
The EU is the biggest failure ever, it works only for about 1% from the rich people.
They get richer and richer. The money debt of the EU is very big.
The interest for that must be paid by the normal people.
The banks and multi-nationals makes the money.
What really happened with the coup in Kiev in is not sure.
What is happening now in the East of the Ucrain is reason for the EU and the VS, to send people.
For research what's happening. Who is perhaps paying the demostrants.
But for me a strange thing. Why was it never important what did happen in Kiev.
Could it be a False Flag situation, to start a war against Russia.
Till now there is no proof, that the ex president from Iraq, Saddam had chemical weapons.
The country is still a chaos.
Lybia is attacked and still a chaos.
Egypt is still chaos.
Almost everywhere, where the NAVO did take actions, it is still a chaos.
Is the action from them to bring peace or chaos.
An old saying: Bring desparation, make chaos, give hope and destroy. And rule.
In any country the NAVO or VS did come, it is still present.