Jean Genet is so pretty!

Apr 02, 2004 03:51

Or at least his writing is. I'm continuously amazed at his ability to write so beautifully about the most uncouth subjects.

The newspapers are tattered by the time they reach my cell, and the finest pages have been looted of their finest flowers, those pimps, like gardens in May. The big, inflexible, strict pimps, their members in full bloom -- I no longer know whether they are lilies or whether lilies and members are not totally they, so much so that in the evening, on my knees, in thought, I encircle their legs with my arms -- all that rigidity floors me and makes me confuse them, and the memory which I gladly give as food for my nights is of yours, which, as I caressed it, remained inert, stretched out; only your rod, unsheathed and brandished, went through my mouth with the suddenly cruel sharpness of a steeple puncturing a cloud of ink, a hat pin a breast. You did not move, you were not asleep, you were not dreaming, you were in flight, motionless and pale, frozen, straight, stretched out stiff on the flat bed, like a coffin on the sea, while I, all attention, felt you flow into me, warm and white, in continuous little jerks. Perhaps you were playing at coming.

If he says, "I'm dropping a pearl," or "A pearl slipped," he means that he has farted in a certain way, very softly, that the fart has flowed out very quietly. Let us wonder at the fact that it does suggest a pearl of dull sheen: the flowing, the muted leak, seems to us as milky as the paleness of a pearl, that is, slightly cloudy. It makes Mignon seem to us a kind of precious gigolo, a Hindu, a princess, a drinker of pearls.

quotes, academia, book talk, beautiful

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