Sep 16, 2005 01:47
Going out to do laundry at my usual time of 1 am, the hallway smelled thickly of fish and fried batter. But no one was cooking.
The sky, as I made my way to the laundry rooms, was a definite shade of pink. Pink. At 1 in the morning.
Returning to my dorm, I passed a skunk. I sat and looked at it silently; it slowly crept past me, serene and dignified. Its fur was nappy, rough.
I went inside and returned with a bowl of milk, but it ran off to the forest.
The sky still insisted on glowing a threatening rose.
We're all going to die, I swear.
Edit: Crickety. Someone took my laundry hamper. Who the hell would steal someone's laundry hamper?