I'm up far too late [Star Wars II Snark Review]

Jun 05, 2005 02:54

I'm very sad because I'm no longer at all goth.

Not that I was ever actually goth. But I admired the aesthetic.

Today, however, I was in the mall, and I dropped by Hot Topic looking for a Bowie shirt, and found I did not at all want any of the clothing there. Now, yes, part of it is because Hot Topic's crap. And all their so-called "gothy" clothes look cheap and crude and ugly. But at least they usually have shoes and stockings I like! And this time I didn't even want any of the fishnets. And while walking around other stores, I realized that for once I wasn't being attracted against my will to anything and everything black, but rather... brown. And red. And green. Oh woe!

Also, I got new glasses! Which is exciting, because I'm far too lazy for contacts every day. And they're librarian glasses. Or, as my dad ever-so-aptly puts it, they make me look like a "porn librarian."

Earlier today, though, I met up with my cousin dangermousie for lunch and a viewing of "Attack of the Clones." Which had the most bizzare coliseum scene. I know it's supposed to be a bad movie, but that scene was so random and out-of-place, I almost wonder whether I didn't make it up.

However, the stiff acting, cheesyness, whatever-else-you-can-name aside, I was most baffled by the dynamics of Anakin's and Padme's relationship. I'm really trying very hard to figure out what possibly attracted Padme to Anakin. As I see it, their encounters went like this:

First meeting scene:

Padme: Oh Anakin, Obi-Wan, how nice to see you!
Anakin: *stares creepily* No, it's nicer to see you. Have you any idea how much I've wanted to see you? A lot. You're so beautiful. I hope you know that. Beautiful.
Padme: Oh ha ha, you're such a cute little boy, Ani.

Second scene in Amidala's chambers:

Anakin: *says something vaguely reasonable-sounding.*
Padme: Oh my, Ani, you're a grown up after all!
Anakin: Yes! I am! If only the Jedi could see that! They're so unfair! And mean! Like, why won't they let me become, like, a more important Jedi? I so totally know more than they do! I know everything! I mean, I'm like 18 now! Is that grown-up or what?! I can't believe they still expect me to take orders! And like, listen to people! Adults are always such poopie-heads! *gets into a tantrum and throws stuff* <--(scarily enough, not an exaggeration.)
Padme: Well... er... sometimes it's hard for others to see...
Anakin: But I am a grown man! You even said so! ...You're hot, by the way. I like your breasts a lot. Mmmmm.... hot.
Padme: . . .

Before the second assasination attempt:

Obi-wan: Er, why's Padme's door closed and all surveillance shut off?
Anakin: She covered the cameras. I don't think she liked me watching her. <--(direct quote from the script!!!)
Obi-wan: . . .
Anakin: But don't worry. I can totally sense everything that's going on in that room anyway. Man... she's taking off her clothes. Heee hee. She's so pretty. I get these funny feelings when I'm around her. They make my robes sticky! Do you know how much I like to be around her? And dream about her? And picture her all without those Senate dresses, and then I--
Obi-wan: Um, TMI, Anakin.

With the Queen of Naboo:

Padme: Well, I think that--
Anakin: No, shut up, listen to what I think!
Padme: Er, can I finish my sentence?
Anakin: No! Everyone treats me like a child! Why won't you listen to me? I'm a Jedi!! We do what I say! Or else!
Padme: But it's my planet and my life at stake.
Anakin: Oh, fine. But I'm only agreeing because I want to get in your pants.


At Padme's house:

Padme: Let's talk of happy childhood memories, Anakin! I like the beach. It has sand!
Anakin: I don't like sand! It's rough and irritating and icky. Not like here. Here everything's soft... and smooth... *starts gliding his hands all over Padme's back and arm*.. smooooooth.... and, uh.... soft... you know, like... your breastses.

In the meadow on Naboo:

Anakin: Okay, Padme, get this: I totally know how politics should be done. The current system sucks!
Padme: Okay, so what do you propose?
Anakin: Well--I have this really-really cool idea--it's brilliant, I swear--we need a system where people talk to each other--and then figure out what they need to do--and then do it! <--(almost direct quote.)
Padme: . . . That's kind of like what we do now...
Anakin: Oh. Well then, I think we should have a fascist dictatorship.
Padme: You're kidding, right?
Anakin: Of course I am! Hahahah. No.
Padme: You're so cute, Ani.

Blah blah blah, cheezy dinner scene with Padme in wonderbra telling Anakin they can't be together, blah blah...

And then we have that scene where he tells Padme how he killed a whole settlement of people, women and children included, and how it's all the Jedi's fault for being jealous of him and holding him back, but how one, day, he will be able to control everything and be all-powerful. And Padme says, "Shh, shh, that's totally fine."

And then the next scene she's all "I love you, I truly, deeply love you," etc. Really now, does this make sense? Does Padme somehow have a thing for unstable violent stalkerish men? What?

On a different note, dangermousie and I are founding a new fandom 'ship:

tv/movie ramblings, shopping, goth, snark

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