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Jul 09, 2004 21:49

Your aura shines Red!

What Color Is Your Aura?
brought to you by Quizilla

So yeah I got off work, got Torey's birthday present(still have to get his card), went to moms, packed my bag, came here to dads and am now doing nothing, go figure im at dads house i never do anything here. I want to see Torey tonight but I doubt that will be happening. Actually im pretty sure i won't be seeing anyone tonight that isn't family(well that doesn't live here). Travis, Dylan, Mason, Ali, and some other ppl came into my work today and Mason runs up to the counter and was like Hi Katie, it scared me cause I wasn't expecting it, and it was Mason of all people. So yeah. Work went alright. The first half was LONG and BORING cause it was really slow but they were very content on keeping me there so i finally got a break at 4:45(after being there since noon and not taking a break, which is bordering on being illegal) I got quiznoes for dinner then hung out the rest of my break. I went back to work and preped for the rush. The rush came and I sold 37 combos bitches, hell yeah :) That made me happy. Then i just stocked stuff up so there wouldn't be as much for the closers to do.

I got off work like 10 minutes early so i found dylan and everyone in Spider Man 2 and said hi then i had to leave to get torey's present. I got gas on the way to the store and a guy pulled in and was like is that your car and i was like yeah and he was like you lookin to sell it and i was like how much then he asked me if i got it from my mom or grandma and how much i would be willing to sell it for. I told him it was my moms and that i didn't know how much i would sell it for and he was like well don't sell that for anything less than 10 thousand. then as he was driving away he was like how much would you have sold it to me for, 500 and i was like no and he was like good its worth more than 10 thousand don't let it go for less then he drove off. So yeah i went to moms after gas and torey's present(his bithday is tomorrow) then packed my clothes and came over here. I should take a shower but i think i'll do that in the morning before i go to work yet again. Tomorrow i work noon to 8:30 again then sunday i work 5 to 12. so far i've only worked 16 hours this week cause i got off early wednesday and thursday(over 4 hrs early both days)...

I think once my dad and kris go to bed i might rent pay-per-view if there is anything good or i might just go to bed early for once. I haven't gotten a call from anyone yet so that pretty much means they won't be calling. Last night i just kinda realized how sick of it all i was and when we were down at Garfield i walked off by myself and no one noticed or said anything about my disapperance for like 15 minutes thats when i knew that no one cared if i was down there or not, it didn't matter to them as long as they could stay at my house later that night. Torey came over to the swings and talked to me then i went and talked to luc and torey and i left and went back to my house and watched se7en. Everyone else showed up at like 1 or something maybe 2. Torey and i went to bed around 3:30 and were awoken at 4 by everyone else(luc, travis, sarah, and ali) coming into my room, lol. Its alright though. Those were the only 4 to spend the night(5 including Torey) and im cool with that cause they were all sober im just sick of having drunk ppl sleeping in my house and using it as their place to crash every night and making my plans for me. Like for a while it had gotten to the point where i didn't make my plans, other people did, they would call me up and be like we are staying the night at your house tonight and i don't like saying no cause i don't want them to get mad at me or stop hanging out with me and i like to feel useful and needed and i having felt like it really matters if im around lately and i just needed to get the hell away from it all.

I think thats about all for now. I'll post more later if anything should happen.
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