Here, first pull up the campus map: OK. Got that? Super.
Now, look at the left side, in the center-ish. See that red box that has a tail pointing right? THAT is where my first two classes of the day will be held. This is the Polsky Building, the former department store, that takes up an entire city block between High St. and Main St. in downtown Akron.
Now, go right, from Polsky Building toward the right margin. See the building that looks like it has sawtooth edges? That's Bierce Library. Directly across from it is Kolbe Hall, where my third class of the day is held, and where my mailbox is. That doesn't look too awful...except this is Akron.
It is literally ALL uphill from Polsky to Kolbe, and I am betting that there is no real way I will make that hike in the 15 minutes between least not in the shape I am in now! Right now, my best guesstimate for the walk is at least 20 minutes...yes, for those of you who camped with Famdamily this year, it is FURTHER between my classes than from our camp to the center of the A&S class area. It's about mile from Polsky to the lot where I normally park. And since I will swim some days, I will probably be best off to hit campus at 8AM to snag a space.
I can't really bitch, though, believe it or not. Originally, my classes were in Memorial Hall (directly behind Kolbe), then in Polsky, and then back up into Kolbe. Classroom Services at least gave me a break with the first two in Polsky. So even though I have classes from 8:45AM straight through until 12Noon, it is bearable. Each class is 55 minutes.
As I have water aerobics on MW after noons, and do distance swimming on T/TH, I think I am going to park at the natatorium (big building across from the thing that looks like a track loop--that's the track!), walk over to Kolbe, get my mail and stuff, skid downhill to Polsky, and then hike back up. Apparently there is no comfirmation that there is a shuttle available like last term. Walking to the early classes is no biggie, but I am gonna have to haul if I am walking to the last class of the day.
Thank GOD I have new sneakers. Will start breaking those suckers in ASAP. Wonder if I can increase the ibuprofen for the arthritic knees? This may be the term I go to real bone drugs.
Dr. Higley wants me on track to drop 100 pounds by this time next year. I'd say the program just got a big kick in (my) ass! Buns of steel, calves of iron!! Mush, you huskies!! Turn up that iPod and go, go go!! :-)