Three wings...? Impossible. Was it from when you feigned to be the Messiah, or from when I left my...touch on you? Heh.
Flying should obviously not come supremely natural, since your body was not born with wings - nor will you retain them, if I've a say in things - but you might find them...convenient. Try proceeding as young angelic creations do and limit your arm movement so that you may maintain a semblance of balance.
The third wing is similarly for balance and remains practically unused, save for acceleration. You'll notice it's very much unraveled when we take flight but remains ultimately erect afterwards. It's also a leverage for when you carry artifacts.
Try to make little to no usage of it momentarily. To fly with three wings should be no different than with two, in this early a stage.
Pretty, pretty puppet...I shall help you fly, if only to see you Fall
[ ooc : you realize you're asking me to analyze potential flight movements on rather frail theoretical models, right? *laughs* ]
huh. so i just... dont play around with it much. dont sound too hard.
>/ i aint gonna fall. im going to be a fucking kickass flyer. better then you even. just you watch
((XDD I would've accepted an "Insert answer here". XDD I'd never be able to come up with stuff like that. I'd be like "...It's like a rudder. On a boat, you know."
XD And sorry for the repost. My "A 'insert answer here' was annoying me and I had to fix it.))
Actually, you'll have to learn to keep it arrested so that its own support weight doesn't eclipse the delicate balance imposed with the other two.
You've...glided, I assume? Males with no obligation towards civic responsability and their respective life spans tend to do such things for "fun". Make the attempt. Take a bit of a leap, keep the side wings flat and operational, glide.
Of course you will be.
[ ooc : the daunting disadvantage of clicking off eljay email notifications - reposts? No sweat! ]
"Se-chan" was a long awaited, short-lived Messiah.
You are the stuff of potatoes.
Perhaps there's been a misunderstanding? There can be no comparison.
Meanwhile, do please try uncurling all your feathers? It's ever so indolent and unaesthetic to keep them half and half. Also, you'll crash more the easier. But it's truly all about it not being pretty.
...even the lowliest of my sister's incarnations can glare you to whatever length of submission.
No, they do not. You've had not wings before, nor utilized them. Listen to your superior - they don't look fine at all.
Oranges and toffees. And if you would know more, I shall have to insist on absinthe too ♥
[ ooc : merchant! Rosiel is love. I recall that scene where he was sitting in his bath tub, chit-chatting about the black market and his negotiations most amiably. *pets Rosie-pooh*]
Ask Alexiel - ask your beloved "Kira-sempai", ask anyone.
There are certain commodities towards which one is inevitably estranged when referred to the aspect of actual flight. A slobbish nature is one of them. Start flattening them. And by graces, is that...sugar in your feathers?!
Flying should obviously not come supremely natural, since your body was not born with wings - nor will you retain them, if I've a say in things - but you might find them...convenient. Try proceeding as young angelic creations do and limit your arm movement so that you may maintain a semblance of balance.
i thought i asked alexiel for help, not you. >/ ...limit my arm motions, huh? ive been flapping them along with the wings. =/
((Strikes deleted.))
Alexiel is hardly as versed. Limit your arm movement - a manner of the unstable, the wounded or the young. Once up, try veering.
I demand oranges for my expertise.
so what about the third wing? what do i do with that? hows it supposed to flap?
"Help", precious puppet, invariably encompasses information.
The third wing is similarly for balance and remains practically unused, save for acceleration. You'll notice it's very much unraveled when we take flight but remains ultimately erect afterwards. It's also a leverage for when you carry artifacts.
Try to make little to no usage of it momentarily. To fly with three wings should be no different than with two, in this early a stage.
Pretty, pretty puppet...I shall help you fly, if only to see you Fall
[ ooc : you realize you're asking me to analyze potential flight movements on rather frail theoretical models, right? *laughs* ]
>/ i aint gonna fall. im going to be a fucking kickass flyer. better then you even. just you watch
((XDD I would've accepted an "Insert answer here". XDD I'd never be able to come up with stuff like that. I'd be like "...It's like a rudder. On a boat, you know."
XD And sorry for the repost. My "A 'insert answer here' was annoying me and I had to fix it.))
You've...glided, I assume? Males with no obligation towards civic responsability and their respective life spans tend to do such things for "fun". Make the attempt. Take a bit of a leap, keep the side wings flat and operational, glide.
Of course you will be.
[ ooc : the daunting disadvantage of clicking off eljay email notifications - reposts? No sweat! ]
nope. i havent really done much with these things since i got them. ive showed them off a little but never actually put them to any use. =/
... >/ well i aint gonna fall and thats that.
((...XDD I have the habit of not checking back on posts so I need my e-mail notifications. XD;))
You are the stuff of potatoes.
Perhaps there's been a misunderstanding? There can be no comparison.
Meanwhile, do please try uncurling all your feathers? It's ever so indolent and unaesthetic to keep them half and half. Also, you'll crash more the easier. But it's truly all about it not being pretty.
Do I get toffees too? ^_^
they look fine to me. =/
you offered your help so im not obigated to give you anything. >/ except an orange.
No, they do not. You've had not wings before, nor utilized them. Listen to your superior - they don't look fine at all.
Oranges and toffees. And if you would know more, I shall have to insist on absinthe too ♥
[ ooc : merchant! Rosiel is love. I recall that scene where he was sitting in his bath tub, chit-chatting about the black market and his negotiations most amiably. *pets Rosie-pooh*]
>/ im telling you they look fine. its such a pain to go and pretty them all up when the look just fine the way they are.
.... >EEE fine. but i'm no guarenteeing that im not dropping the toffess in poison.
Ask Alexiel - ask your beloved "Kira-sempai", ask anyone.
There are certain commodities towards which one is inevitably estranged when referred to the aspect of actual flight. A slobbish nature is one of them. Start flattening them. And by graces, is that...sugar in your feathers?!
....and so what? i like sugar glazed doughnuts and i needed to wipe my hands off on something.
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