Title: Thank You for Rescuing Me
katokatsuCharacter(s) or Pairing(s): Giripan
Rating: K
Warnings: Gakuen AU; Human names; probably ooc
Summary: Kiku is a hermit. Heracles is fascinated. How will Kiku handle the sudden rush of emotions that the quiet Grecian boy ignites when he rescues Kiku from the horror that is a cicada?
He had his priorities and they certainly didn't involve being overly concerned about the feelings of a tanned Greek man with captivatingly green eyes and a lazy smile and... )
But anywayz, that was so adorable. I didn't really think it was OOC. Trust me, as far as that catergory is conserned, I've seen much worse.
I really do hope you continue it!
Thanks so much!! I was so worried that Kiku was too spazztic and Heracles was too "lol cute. *attempts to court*" Gakuen AU is a really interesting thing to work with!
Hopefully I'm inspired to write more! In the form of something other than an earthworm prodding me in the shin, preferably. TTwTT Thank you very much for commenting!! ♥
Oh anytime! I lurve commenting! it's fun.
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