Title: Pixie Dust
saekokatoFandom: Live Free or Die Hard
Pairing: Matt Farrell/John McClane
Rating: R
Word Count: ~6,000
Notes: Beta by the ever wonderful, ever indulgent
roseclaw. ♥
This was written for the
sexy_right Winter 2010 Challenge. Prompt #21: It was a dark and stormy night. / Supernatural creature of choice.
This is a total and complete AU. This was also my first time writing these two characters, so please, be gentle. That said, I hope you enjoy, prompter! I had a ton of fun writing this!
Summary: Matt tucks his wings up as tightly as he can against his back as he tries not to think about his nice, warm, waterproof poncho hanging up next to his front door. Or the fact that he is so very, very dead when his mother finds out about all of this.
Pixie Dust