(no subject)

Oct 15, 2008 17:20

One day a week I work in the plant and so I don't get to see my boss.  To make up for this, I like to send her funny little emails to keep her entertained.  Here are a few:

Me: " ...PS - my spell check just tried to turn "chembook" into "chapbook."  WTF is a chapbook?!!"

Melissa: "A chap is a fine, cultured man from the turn of the century and you know what a book is, so I guess they have a special book--maybe it's like their diary...."

Me: "Well I don't think it's very fair that a get chap gets his own book and we don't!  We should start a chickbook or something."

Note about this next one: I include Melissa on a lot of emails because she's my boss and I want to keep her in the know.  However, there are some people who never ever hit "reply all" which I then have to foward on and proceed to bitch about it.  It happened again today.  So here was my message I included when I forwarded it on:

Me: "I have a new drinking game...I'm going to do a shot every time {name removed to protect the guilty} doesn't hit "reply all"

Ok it may not be that hilarious but I guess when you work somewhere long enough you start to develop your own sense of humor.  For the record, Melissa thought it was hi-larious.

On another note, I put a pair of earplugs in my ears for the very first time ever today.  It's a crazy feeling.  It helped me focus on task at hand and it helped me identify a weird smell in the plant because I didn't have a bunch of machines pounding in my head.  I seriously want to wear these everywhere!

work, melissa

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