Wow. We Are Awesome!!

Jul 13, 2009 22:37

First I just want to say that I'm not sure if my entries have been showing up, as Steph told me that you normally have to go back to edit entry and uncheck the date out of order. I still don't post that much, but I do actually post a meme, or random babbling from time to time.  Someone on my flist from a friending meme actually took me off their friends list during a friends cut because she said I never posted...that's never happened to me and it made me kind of sad, but we're still following each other on twitter.

Ok, so day two of our awesome road trip with yet more celebrity encounters.  We were at the Lincoln memorial, and Brad Paisley just happened to be filming a music video.  And we just happened to be in it! We were way in the back, but we were in a music video!! Sadly, I do not know Brad Paisley's music.

So we stayed up until like 6 am, and still got up at like 11.  I was doing work until like 3 am, so I didn't drink as much as Steph and Mal, but  I still had a lot.  Needless to say, we were pretty tired all of today. I am ready to go to bed now.

We went to the smithsonian museum of natural history, because we already went to the air and space museum and american history ones last time we were in DC for Steph's birthday

Here is a cute picture of us in the museum of natural history!

We are grring because T-Rexes are vicious!

ok that is it! I just wanted an excuse to post more pics and to talk about being in a music video!

fandom road trips, fangirling

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