Mar 16, 2005 11:47
so that rash that is on my tummy that I mentioned before....yeah....went and saw the health center today...i have a viral infection called Pityriasis Rosea. anything that starts out with "Pity" can't be good. Basically i'm going to be covered in little red spots from my neck to my knees that itch like little mother fuckers and don't go away for 3-10 weeks.
The only positive things I have found about it though are that it is not contagious....(though how did i get it then?)....apparently you become basically immune to it once you've had it....AND...this is my favorite little gem....sometimes some of the itching can be alleviated by tanning. So does this mean I have good reason to go tanning???? and be all brown?....i think so. Thoughts anyone? The only other thing that I can say that is good that it will not reach my face (or at least isn't supposed to) and its not supposed to show up on lower legs of arms. Thank god for small favors right?
Anyhoo...there's the reason I feel like crap. Of course it is my luck that I get this a week before I leave to spend extended time with a group of people who i do not know who I will have to shower with in public showers. Who's excited??? NOT ME!!!! least my history final is over. And at least The Incredibles came. Some things actually can go right.