(no subject)

Jul 16, 2010 10:10

Work is a resounding Meh just now. The other scheduler was out yesterday, so I lazed through my workload for the day. Today he's here, and I realize we're behind by about a week on a big thing. Eek. We'll pull it off, I'm sure, but eek.

I've been coordinating a massive training for the last several weeks, which continues to be a pain, and I have a hiring analysis due soonish as well. And then there's the tri-annual "everyone can change their shift if they want to" time coming up and both of us forgot about it. Or didn't want to think about it.

Yeeah. We've now thrown together a shortened schedule for that, and are going to get the stuff out today and just hope for the best. I still have the hiring analysis to do, and I'm doing most of the work for the training as well. Fun times!

I do find myself needing a mental reminder to be nice to the new guy/temp. He's been doing it for about a month, and still has a tendency to ask me to do things he should be handling. Which, I don't have time for just now.

That's what I get for taking last week off, I guess. (Oh Colorado, I miss you!) Yeah, okay. I'm going to go create a cult for the small town of Brahms while I wait for this computer to get its act together and put the analysis together.


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