Where, oh Where...

May 03, 2009 09:53

I've made two sets of mitts to help me when my frelling hands and wrists (and elbows) are fracking freezing. One set is heavy (made out of silk & wool knee warmers) and one is lighter (made out of cotton leg warmers). Both are black. I'm currently wearing the heavier ones. They cover from where the fingers meet the hands to about five inches past the wrist joint. The other pair cover from where the fingers meet the hands to about five inches past the elbow joint. I've worn them once My quandary is thus:


Seriously. I've worn them... once. I could use them right now. I don't want the ones with with fracking fingers on them. I want the ones that only have a fracking thumb so that I have my frelling thumb and palm covered. And where the frack am I going to find another fracking set of black leg warmers that I can fracking afford (like free) to make a new pair. Ticked off here, ya think?


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