Feb 21, 2009 09:29
(also found on that most dreaded of all places... Facebook)
So he gets there bright and early (and only 10 minutes late) to find out that the computers are down. They were down for about half an hour. Then a ton of emergencies came in and evidently the schedulers had booked a gazillion other surgeries for other surgeons as well. The upshot was that Dale didn't get back to an operating room until 2:30 pm. AFTER everyone's lunch break. According to him, this was after everyone had gone to Bosco's, had a steak and three beers, and then taken a nap. Well refreshed, they then came back to do his work. He, of course, had starved to death in the meantime having had NO food and NO coffee.
He did however, get to see his spine and heart in x-ray and watch them run a wire into his heart. Happily, there was less than 50% blockage so after waiting... and waiting... and then waiting some more... and then signing some papers me in my wheelchair and he in one of theirs go to go down to the van and go home... at 6:00 PM. Darn near 12 hours after he'd gotten to the hospital. A very nice woman did bring him a serious turkey sandwich about 4:00 though which he ate with much glee and rejoicing. He said that it was the most delicious sandwich he'd ever eaten in his life, but that might have been the starvation talking.
His nurse told him that he has to rest today and that he can't fight the Visigoths tomorrow. He is also exempt from housework and yardwork for the next year and he gets control of the remote for a month when he goes back for a followup visit to his cardiologist.
medical stuff