CROSSPOST: Apex still needs your help!

Jan 09, 2009 13:26

coming from saraphina_marie's lj...

From the desk of Jason Sizemore:
We did a healthy $203.45 yesterday. However, the goal is still beyond
the horizon. Way beyond. And tonight is the end of the sales drive.

To reach $2500, another $1026.50 still needs to be raised.

Let’s break this down…

That’s only 64 books at $15.95. If only 64 people ordered one of the
$15.95 books, we’d hit our goal. Considering there are 8 billion
people on the globe finding 64 people with $15.95 should be easy,

Free shipping kicks in at $25. That’s only 41 orders at $25.

Tell your friends. Ask your preacher to buy a copy of Orgy of Souls
for each member of his (her) congregation. Your punk brother will love
The Next Fix. Your girlfriend will adore the heart-wrenching memoirs
of Beauty & Dynamite.

If you’re a teacher, Hebrewpunk is a great introduction to Jewish
fantasy for high school students. I Remember the Future is a great
gateway for introducing readers to hard SF.

Buy somebody a copy of Unwelcome Bodies and I guarantee you they will
think you’re cool. Buy somebody a copy of Mama’s Boy and Other Dark
Tales and they will think you creepy.


Here’s the link: Apex Books
You know what to do.

From the desk of Sara Harvey:

Thank you.
I know a lot of you put your money where it counts and bought a pre-order of my book. I know even more of you cross-posted and linked and plugged and pimped me and Apex.
And it generated a lot of sales. And quite a few for me, personally. And it means a lot to have people buying my books, and not just people I know either- although I know enough of y'all that I think I could do a tidy business just on that alone! ^_^
It is really heartening to know that people care- about me and my success but also the success of the small presses and niche/genre publishing. There have been a lot of people asking for help this winter, and they have all been very worthy causes and the community has mobilized and raised enough money to buy Vera's house out of debt and to help sooj pay her medical bills and to make sure Apex can keep paying its authors.
So from the very bottom of my heart and on behalf of the very very good people over at Apex, THANK YOU!
We are not out of the woods yet and we still need your support, but to have gotten this far with as many sales as we have been getting, especially for me, has been a beautiful thing.
I look forward to hearing all about what y'all thought of The Convent of the Pure and I hope it makes you eager to read The Labyrinth of the Dead and The Tower of the Forgotten.

Thank you and be well everyone.

the covenent of the pure, apex books, sara harvey, books

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