Getting Thrown Out

Jul 15, 2015 13:13

Kat pops in. She throws a bag on the bar, grabs a drink which she downs in one gulp and begins, "My ex is throwing me out of his house. I haven't been able to find a handicapped accessible house I can afford in Murfreesboro that I can afford on disability. My daughter Jennifer is going for disability on her own (she has bipolar/ADD/severe anxiety plus nail patella syndrome). My son Corwyn has bipolar disorder/ADD/Aspergers and starts MTSU next Fall. He's looked for work but has never been called back. I've got a booster started with the Invisible Disability graphic on it that I made eons ago. I'm planning on making a few more graphics (yes, suggestions are welcome!). Of course, I'd love to get enough to buy this house from dick... um... my ex. But anything we get will go to getting someplace to live. ::big breath:: Here's the url for the booster. ::she hands a piece of paper for someone to tack up that says on it:: Please pass it around. The site lets you buy it or just donate as you please which is why I picked it. Thanks."

Kat walks up to the line and takes a big breath. "To men who actually do right and not what their frelling wives demand they do! ::snort::"

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